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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by dreznovk

  1. Oh no, i don't want bother you anymore.

    But if you could make a thread about it, it would be awesome :D.

    I wish i knew Japanese like you...

    Anyway, thanks again.

  2. So, Eisuke sucks That's what you want to hear, right :mrgreen:
  3. Hmm, sure he is And Conan's seiyuu is woman, too
  4. Full song: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjYwODk0NjYw.html
  5. since then never mind, i'm self-crazy again
  6. I don't speak English, so it's not bugging me. AiCon, ConAi, ShinShi are fine, as long as it's not ShinRan Oh, i thought you're ignoring me, why bother replying
  7. Haha..... Let me try: AiCon Sorry, but that's the smallest size
  8. dreznovk


    Sorry, i heard about the name 'Finland', but the only thing come to my mind is the word 'cold', beside, i don't know anything about your country.
  9. Yes, i am an AiCon, a diehard one xD.

    How's life in Japan, good ?

  10. Oh, and just one more thing: i see there are 3 types of arrow, could you explain them for me, i know what the heart-shaped arrow mean (it's obvious xD), but still wondering about the others ?

  11. Then everyone should wear glasses Gosho said in an interview that he sleeps less than 3 hours a day, isn't that a health risk
  12. I don't think Gosho made a entire scene at the bar (or whatever it's called) just for a joke, not to mention Gin's smirk. Plus, the Conan Drill confirmed it, like Bible to Christians, we have to believe it
  13. I'm not blind, you know. ShinRan should be enough ( is there any size smaller than 1 ? )
  14. I want it to last as long as it's still interesting to read. And a sequel like IdentityUnknown said would be awesome.
  15. I don't think that will ever happen, Sherlock Holmes doesn't belong to modern world and Conan is considered 'Holmes' of the DC world. However, this might happen in a dream, something like OVA 9 or science fictional like movie 6.
  16. I think she is my type Girls in my country are crazy about some Korean dudes, they talk about those guys all the time like:"A is so cute, i love him!! No, B is better, A is just a @%^$". No offence to anyone, but they look like a bunch of girls to me: Look so feminine, white skin, perfume... Girls interested in that kind of guys ?
  17. I prefer they appear in mangas or movies, OVAs are short, they're not worthy of a BO ark or short appearance.
  18. You know japanese, right ? If you have time, can you translate this for me


    I just want to know about the arrow indicates Conan-Ai relationship.

  19. I would be surprised if your deductions are wrong, it's best to wait for proper translation
  20. when you go "Ah-le-le!!" or "Oi..oi" in front of your friends
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