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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by conanshinichi


    1. hopes


      Eh... *can't wait*

    2. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      According to various people on DCTP, probably in a week or two, tops.

    3. mabel
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. Yea I prefered his voice, it was funnier its better than the one now .
  3. nice i like it, did you scan them btw?
  4. thanx everyone for the birthday wishes ^^

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief
    2. Wildheart888


      ^^ No problem~! x)

    3. harrieth.dc


      you're always welcome in DCW!!! :))))

  5. Happy Birthday koibito-chan!

  6. lol in the general discussion forum, there are loads of pinned topics XD

  7. to be honest, every language is easy and hard in some ways.
  8. conanshinichi

    Steve Jobs

    yea i heard this morning, oh better go to school then. :S
  9. happy birthday your birthday is one day before mine, one day after my mum's and the same day as my friend's. :P

  10. happy birthday your birthday is one day before mine, one day after my mum's and the same day as my friend's. :P

  11. okay then, my first ever conosle that i saw was a PS1 when i was 3 in 2000.
  12. i'd think a monkey would be better but lol XD
  13. yea he's smart alright, but he wouldnt really think that because of conan and haibara's intelligence. obviously he isnt that smart to realize the truth but he's smart for a seven year old.
  14. lol even though i said ill try to be active a month ago, i dunno what just happened. :( but oh well ill try to be more active now

  15. Okay this is random: My brother has a skateboard even though he doesn't know how to ride that thing!
  16. I like this --> I can tell you that
  17. conanshinichi


    A-le-le is the main element of Conan
  18. Hey, I'm really sorry I have been inactive lately, I've just been on other websites and other stuff. I'll try to come back and post on the forum.

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Oh, welcome back! :D I hope you'll be more active now. ^_^

  19. 50 years later, Im ok thanx. Soz for late reply.

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