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dw5chaosfan last won the day on April 16 2011

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About dw5chaosfan

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    DCW's Yu-gi-oh master and Dynasty Warriors fan
  • Birthday 05/23/1997

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  1. I have a science project on foresic anthropology due on monday, and I need suggestions on the cause of death for my made-up victm.

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      Haven't you watched enough DC?


      Poison... try not to use KCN... so over done... Animal venom is fun though!

      Guns are a blast as are explosives... If you know enough about rifling and gunpowder composition that should be fun...

      Knives are always a popular choice...

      Then you have blunt force and strangulation...

      Take your pick

    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      Pick a disease that causes skeletal problems, like rickets. I assume this class focuses more on historical death.

    3. AokoNakamori


      i say stab in the neck or heart with an icicle. that way it melts before anyone finds it. or a poisoned practice arrow, cyanide work..or aconite. try a disease? hmmm.lymphoma,AIDS,phnemonia, CANCER.

      hmmm...there are MANY MANY ways to kill or have a person die. i'm a mystery nut. i know.

      hmm...wolvesbane,over dose of drugs. sleeping drugs or cold drugs work.

      hmmm...drowning,suphocation,plain old beat downs, surgery mistake..wow. this is fun

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