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Everything posted by dw5chaosfan

  1. dw5chaosfan

    Child Abuse

    *Lu Bu walks into the room hearing an abusive parent. He holds up his sky scorcher*,"You, parent! What are you doing to your child?" Abusive parent,"And what are you going to do about it?!"*gets killed by Lu Bu* That is what should happen to every abusive parent.
  2. about your sig... Lu Bu says I will test myself by telling Ran I hate her, and I believe that the mightiest warrior of the three kingdoms won't lose to her.

  3. Dear anonymous, Lu Bu is about to come to your house and kill you on my orders unless you reveal your identity. Why? Because shut up, end of story. Your other options are to get a free hug from Melvin or play card games on motorcycles.
  4. Hahaha, My after school's mascot dog is called fei-fei, which means fat-fat in chinese.

    1. Aeyra


      Are you sure it's the character for fat?

    2. IdentityUnknown


      It actually depends on how it is. If it's written 肥肥 it means fat. If it's written 飞飞 it means fly. Then there are some twenty thirty other ways to write it.

  5. I like to quote from yu-gi-oh:the abridged series.
  6. Dear anonymous, I COMMAND YOU TO SHUT THE EFF UP!!
  7. I put some new pictures on my sig and posted somewhere. I want to know what you guys think of them.

    1. -The Rising Angel-

      -The Rising Angel-

      I like them but a picture on your avatar too

    2. dw5chaosfan


      I actually posted in the chatroom, to be specific.

    3. -The Rising Angel-
  8. school tommorow, hellhole again.

  9. I'm just wondering...who can't just wait for the new episode?

  10. I want to be a know-it-all like zhuge liang and a friggin powerhouse like lu bu.
  11. You guys should really should really look at warriors orochi. It's an interesting game, it's easy when you realize how to use everything, but it's still fun. It also has an interesting storyline.

  12. Yay, I got my old computer back. Now I can get used to it more.

    1. hopes



  13. I barely have time for homework with all of the after school crap happening!!!

  14. Oh my goodness, first seek of school is HELL.

    1. Elizabeth Antoinette

      Elizabeth Antoinette

      It couldn't have been better stated. :D

    2. Aeyra


      My first week was beyond awesome... ... What was so bad about yours?

  15. I will luagh like Sima Yi during it. What would you do if Melvin, the guy in the video, wanted to hug you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfDDNXAdxPQ&feature=BFa&list=LLaP_WQYpL2Fx1sThGovxQ8g&lf=mh_lolz
  16. who likes my new sig video?

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      LOL, that's a funny one!! XD

  17. But I can. I make melvin from yu-gi-oh abridged hug all of you. You all die. Sima Yi's evil laugh.
  18. It looks like the Hurricane didn't cause much damage to my area. I don't know about other places with the flooding and tree falling threat, though.

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief
    2. hopes


      Hasn't done much over here either.

  19. Hurricane warning if live on the american east coast.

  20. Hurricane coming to NYC in about 9 hours.

  21. My dad's boss is a stupid idiot. He forces my dad to go to work today when a HURRICANE is coming and the MTA transport stuff are shutting down.

    1. Aeyra


      Well, people still need to get work done. We can't just shut down the east coast because of a hurricane. I mean, I bet Wall Street will still be running while the hurricane is happening. And the hurricane isn't here yet. It's coming tonight. (and my mom still has to go to work... She's a nurse at CHOP.)

    2. dw5chaosfan


      Wall street is not running. It's in one of those areas that are evacuated.

    3. Aeyra


      That's not good. I expect DOW is going to crash... again.

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  22. Can anybody provide me with a DECENT CHALLENGE?

    1. dw5chaosfan


      dynasty warriors ko counts. I went over 9000 in 1 stage.

    2. CarpetCrawler


      Get that many kills with one of the Qiao twins and THEN I'll be impressed.

    3. dw5chaosfan


      easy. *did it in the game*

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