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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by dw5chaosfan

  1. is currently wondering about why the girl he likes is sad.

    1. hopes
    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      If you make her happy she may like you back if she doesn't already. It's a good opportunity.

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Make her happy again!! :D

  2. water. limits on computer or no limits?
  3. the site you gave me is not recognizable to by computer.

  4. is needing help on what picture he canuse to represent this site.

  5. is completely obssesed over dynasty warriors 5 and is sorry to say that he will be playing it on most weekends and will not be here.

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Huh.. What's that now..? DX

    2. CarpetCrawler


      5 is an OLD one. Did you only just recently get into it? Don't play 6 unless it's 6: Empires. Regular 6 SUCKS.

    3. dw5chaosfan


      6 sucks in general. I hate Lu Bu's new weapon and so many of the artwork changes.

  6. You don't need to go off DCW. My friend is 15, he goes to a college, and he has tons of free time. He isn't here because apparently he thinks yu-gi-oh isw way better than detective Conan while I think DC is better.

  7. is having leg itches and is trying to scratch it out.

  8. Of course. Is it possible for people to know that once you know everything about pokemon it can become boring?
  9. Do not understand riddle at all.
  10. I ban you for not being here as long as I am.
  11. Everything seemed to not make sense and you commit suicide because of that. The chant to summon Ra.
  12. is wondering about what to do with his xbox games.

  13. What's on your mind?s still using the school computer for thids site.

    1. dw5chaosfan


      screw the what's on your mind part and out a space and an a before the s.

    2. dw5chaosfan


      and ignore the d in thids. it's supposed to be the word this.

    3. Hejle


      nothing is on my mind... :D

  14. Granted, they do not get their sleep time and you are killed for wishing so. I wish that my dad can just know that some things he does are completely wrong.
  15. What is going on in this world?
  16. is pissed over the fact that his teacher told his class to have 200 teenbiz articles by the end of the year when he has 74 which is a lot compared to the average student.

  17. Can I just be myself without my dad annoying me about things?
  18. I think he is male because Aoyama said Vermouth is hs`"favorite".
  19. Yes it is. Is it possible for my dad to not be`an asshole,
  20. is angry that his father took away the plug for the xbox machine which he played on for the past couple of days. He needs a new plan to be able to play them.

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      i onced played Yugi GX that my sister took the cable

  21. Sorry, My bad. It was awesome, and believe me, it was better than the presents my stupid classmates gave me. I did not want to hear that song.

  22. Thanks people but ConanShinichi, My computer says that link is corrupted.

  23. is completely overwhelmed by what his classmates said yesterday. His teacher ordered the class to write down the pros and cons of the community mentioned in the book "the giver". He answered no pornography, and his entire class asked him what is wrong with him. Now he knows why most of his class hate him. The the reason is that they are all stupid and do not realize that PORN MUST DIE!!

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      like that will ever happen

      there is allot of money in that industry, sex seals big time and the profit is enormous

      no one will shut that down

    2. dw5chaosfan


      The one way to shut it down-send a virus to every porn site in existance and all networks involving porn, then buy every porn book in existance, including the designs, for 1 million dollars each, and burn them.

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      im sorry, i wish that to but there is to much money involved in that stuff. You really think some one will do that

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