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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by dw5chaosfan

  1. *sees Identity unknown leave* *does the same* *leaves hill and moho open to invaders by making all built things self destruct*
  2. Granted-they are all horrible wishes. I wish that people would know how cool japanese songs are.
  3. Neat hair. the sacred beasts or the Egyptian gods?
  4. *Put's metal sign not moho's hill*
  5. Former. clear mind or overlap by kimeru?
  6. I don't want more weird pictures.
  7. you are <-0.000000000000000...1, moho. by the way, the "previous enemies" meant the people who tried to take down the former hill.
  8. Granted-nobody liked it. I wish that I can go to bed later.
  9. My previous answer(go check out my last post) useless cards.
  10. 6)get rid of my homework without actually doing it
  11. You get an amnesia and then 2 people fool you and say you deserve to die. You obey them. the thing in the linked picture. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.yugioh-cards.net/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/gb-002-ultra-f.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.yugioh-cards.net/Merchant2/store/gold_obelisk.html&h=495&w=338&sz=57&tbnid=fAYDQ94pO9GbvM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=89&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dobelisk%2Bthe%2Btormentor%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=obelisk+the+tormentor&hl=en&usg=__0395bHMGyqDLZWmFPaB5r09N19w=&sa=X&ei=nJurTZShN4mF0QGTx6z5CA&ved=0CBoQ9QEwAQ
  12. 4)Finish my exit project in 1 day
  13. takes off a metal cover's edge, sharpens it, then stab you with it. my previous item(the thing in the picture)
  14. *locates satellite and destroys it* *sets up more defenses* *puts more ads with same content* My hill still, moho.
  15. King of the hill restarted something new, in case you ACTUALLY DID leave it.

  16. *sets up bombs around remaining energy reactors* *detonates bombs after leaving* Now the 3rd hill is destroyed along with all the stuff on it due to multiple 0-reverses. *builds new hill and defenses* *creates new team and asks people to join from advertisements* *puts on all ads no previous enemies or mohorovicic/his alter username ego* *builds not familiar weaponry recognizer that removes unfamiliar weapons upon detection(cannot be destroyed, as each go in a 300 mi radius)*
  17. they turn metal and stab you by instinct. my previous item.
  18. *hangs on by tree branch* *comes back and kicks moho out*
  19. Yes but JD nukes the field and your opponent has to prepare to take 3000 unless they have a fader in their hand. I would call on the Ocean to save us. What would you do if you collected the god cards and all 3 happened to contain their spirits?
  20. Ran throws bombs now. Probably.
  21. The thing that is bothering people about this story is the really bad broken promise, right?
  22. What would you do if electricity dissapeared off the face of the earth?
  23. Actually, I DON'T SUPPORT HIM! I should've made it clear that now that he left, he no longer shares the hill!
  24. chronic disease. Legend of Zelda or Okami?
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