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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by dw5chaosfan

  1. I poison one that you are about to eat. You die. Anger management issues.
  2. 7)all bad things in general(holy #7=awesomeness)
  3. I revive Identity Unknown after reviving myself and kill dreznovk, then. Our hill still, moho!
  4. No or I will just dissapear from this game until the next page again.
  5. You forgot about mohorovicic. He revives Identity unknown and they kill you. I then revive myself. Our hill still.
  6. Find the hacker and throw them off a cliff. What would you do if Cheseaj500 gets beaten in pokemon?
  7. She is not 12. She is WAY more mature than a 12 year old girl in my class. They watched the movie Far and Away and were screaming for some reason.

  8. 500 posts! Finally my first milestone! Unfortunatly, my computer has no picture small enough to be a photo or avatar.

    1. IdentityUnknown


      *glares at Mohorovicic* <--restrains self from throwing tantrum*

    2. IdentityUnknown


      Ah, you did change your title.

    3. Xenonkid


      i can get you one profile pic!

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  9. Granted-you die in the first second. I wish that I can decide whether or not there will be homework and how easy it will be.
  10. I ban you for trying to kill me in King of the Hill.
  11. I poison one that you were going to eat. epic music.
  12. The planetary gear particles will explode when you try to replace them, so you fail. Fine, then I hang out at Aeyra's place since she isn't here.
  13. *my ghost comes back and controls your mind* By the way, when the energy reactor spins in reverse, 0-reverse happens, shown in the 1st 2 seconds of the below video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eMzDvG9Cp4
  14. I would cry. What if this guy in the linked picture below decided to let you use it?(it breathes lightning) http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.deviantart.com/download/136549166/Collab__Slifer_The_Sky_Dragon_by_Lyn_San.png&imgrefurl=http://lyn-san.deviantart.com/art/Collab-Slifer-The-Sky-Dragon-136549166&h=1370&w=2400&sz=3523&tbnid=9q72MuAxMEvR5M:&tbnh=86&tbnw=150&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dslifer%2Bthe%2Bsky%2Bdragon%2Bimages%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=slifer+the+sky+dragon+images&hl=en&usg=__QvwrCwNEMiDPPxsQwzFSPOyVSLA=&sa=X&ei=Y_WoTeeaNsfbsgbnwdmYCA&sqi=2&ved=0CCcQ9QEwAw
  15. Granted-your teacher becomes instead. I wish that exiting things go by slower.
  16. If I need to die to keep this thing together, I will. BUT MY GHOST WILL WANDER THE HILL!!
  17. Yes, make her have an amnesia. Is it possible for Disney movies not to be overrated?
  18. *Buys a shirt that can turn into unbreakable armor or bulletproof vest*
  19. I quit after that. I'm not dead anyways. *waits for Aeyra to come back* Moho, why don't we just leave this as is? Just shoot half angel instead. I think she is trying to break us up and then kill us one by one and reap our hard work on defenses.
  20. Granted-you type with no control. I wish that I can control the projects and homework instead of my teachers.
  21. Listen dude, I started this unity thing and you decided to join. If you want to leave be my guest. I won't try to stop you. By the way, you just destroyed half of our works by trying to disable my energy reactors. They spin in reverse if you try to disable them and you know what happens when they do that. *revives myself and builds new energy reactors*
  22. Granted-the series became boring and this website never existed, fool. I wish that my teachers can just be more compassionate.
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