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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by dw5chaosfan

  1. I forgot to put the 6) in front of my post. oops.
  2. Wins the World Championship of yu-gi-oh by summoning all 3 Egyptian God cards in one turn for pwnage and game.
  3. Put a ton of bricks under it, and then slams you with it. cotton candy(I have sugar disease medicines).
  4. Excuse me, I meant the bombs buried your house and are about to explode?
  5. Commit suicide, the end. What would you do if bombs were stacked around our house?
  6. In the yu-gi-oh world, there are only 3 Egyptian gods, and set isn't one of them!!fail! You anticipated your own death but didn't try to avoid it, so you died. A computer chip.
  7. I ban the both of you for seeming to have over 9000 posts(Screw your profiles I have boredom rage control issues).
  8. 7:00PM, person. I'm still in bed at 7:00AM.

  9. I record the song Clear Mind and play it in your ear on top voice(sound level of a meteor striking earth) and it causes your brain to malfunction, making you commit suicide. The 3 Egyptian gods.
  10. Obelisk the Tormentor!!!!!!!*Egyptian gods theme song*(does not go to the 3 word count, and neither does this).
  11. I ban you for not understanding that I literally have nothing to do at night after home work is done(and I don't want more)and posting so much spams. Also, nobody messes with yu-gi-oh!!!
  12. Mohorovicic, you really failed this time. Slifer the Sky dragon does not yet have a usable version of it unless Konami made one in the last 2 hours and I was not informed. Otherwise, it would have been a Shonen jump magazine promo. Jesus sends you to hell at the end of the world for being an atheist, Savior. Flaming geoglyphs that do not exist.
  13. I ban you for spamming stuff about atheism(Christianity ftw)
  14. Can you get online at sometime around 7:00?

  15. Is it possible for Konami to not rip people off?
  16. Yes, if God allows us to(in your face with the atheist thing, savior)
  17. Pokemon white with more exclusives. Obelisk the tormentor or slifer the sky dragon?
  18. Granted, but you get sued by them. I wish I could win the Next konami World Championship card game tournament(I don't lose the next one)
  19. Mohorovicic you fail. The shooting quasar dragon card only exits in the Japanese card game(OCG for short). So you can't kill me with something that isn't existent to where you live and I'm still alive, so yeah. I change Cammy3131's note cards into death notes and write her name on it. Usable slifer the sky dragon.
  20. Yes, I am very bored as right now I am being lectured to.

  21. Yes because you can always just do something else. Is it possible for my stupid firefox to stop being not responsive every day?
  22. I feel very sorry about your keyboard.

  23. I ban you for going offline while I'm online.
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