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Posts posted by Ainaji

  1. Nope!!

    That will never be!!

    Now i think is more possible to Ai to end up with Mitsuhiko than with Conan.

    Because the OP 30(15 years opening) was all about ShinRan

    Shinichi confesed to Ran

    And OP 30 has got a MitsuAi scene ^^

    Conan isn't going to appear in OVA 11(Haibara's OVA), and he tells Mitsuhiko to take care of Ai, and Mitsuhiko is the one who realizes that Darles Aihara is alike Ai ^^

    And in this OVA Ai's going to be all the time with the detective Boys ^^

    And honestly:

    Ran's role in DC is Shinichi's girlfriend

    Ai's role in DC is a member of the Detective Boys ^^

  2. I DON'T hate MITSUHIKO.

    I just don't want that he'll end up with Ai.

    you said that you werw going to murder him... xDDD OK OK XD

    Well, it's ok, but please, stop saying that you dislike this pairing, i understand that you don't like it, but you don't have to say it everytime you post ^^

  3. Why do you hate Mitsuhiko?

    I don't like him a lot, but i don't hate him. I think he looks cute with Ai ^^

    But, please if you hate this pairing a lot, and you already said that you reaaaally dislike it, Why are you already posting here?

    This is a post for MitsuAi, if you hate it soooo much, don't read >

    Some pictures of Mitsuhiko and Ai Haibara ^^




  4. Mitsuhiko resembles Conan? I totally disagree. They're different at all, not any single similarity.

    The same question goes to, why every ShinRan hates AiCon pairing?

    They are totally different xDDD, but by now he's just a kid, well, the intelligence xD

    Well, all my friends that're ShinRan like it, they even do amv's of itxD

    And i like it^^, but i prefer ShinRan and MitsuAi ^^

  5. Like i said in another thread...

    Manga spoilers

    well...i developed a theory about Eisuke and Sera....

    1.Sera looks tomboyish, and she looks like Kaito, heiji and Kudo

    2. Kaito/Heiji/Kudo have Childhood Friends

    3. Eisuke looks girly

    4. Eisuke is her childhood friend xDDDDD

  6. I don't understand why avery AiCon hates this pairing... I'm ShinRan and i like RanKai(of course i prefer ShinRan and KaiKo)

    There's nothong creepy about this.... it's cute x33

    Mitsuhiko x Ai is cute, i don't think you have to hate it...

    Mitsuhiko fits very well Haibara:

    1. He wants to be scientist

    2. He's very clever

    3. He's very maturse for his age.

    4. He loves animals like Haibara

    I'll give new information of Mitsuhiko x Haibara

    In OVA 11 Mitsuhiko is the one who sees Darles Aihara (Haibara's clone xD) in the magazine...And Conan tells Mitsuhiko to protect Haibara.

    Also in the new opening was a MitsuAi scene ^^

    I forgot to say that the MitsuAi day is the 21 of March xDD(I didn't decided it)

    I will leave some photos of Mitsuhiko x Ai










    Actually i think like you 2 Aeyra and Pyre! ^^ i think is Ai's best chance, and i wouldn't be very surprised with a Mitsuhiko x Haibara ending ^^

    Rum there's an episode dedicated to them, also recomendated by Gosho Aoyama in the Detective Conan Romantic File, it's 212-213 :)

  7. Manga spoilers

    well...i developed a theory about Eisuke and Sera....

    1.Sera looks tomboyish, and she looks like Kaito, heiji and Kudo

    2. Kaito/Heiji/Kudo have Childhood Friends

    3. Eisuke looks girly

    4. Eisuke is her childhood friend xDDDDD

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