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Everything posted by Lauraa

  1. I'm going to study Japanese in Japan next year. :D Probably in Kyoto, but I'm not sure yet. After that I'll do an internship in Okinawa for a month too. :)

    Pathetic? That's not good. :P

  2. [part 2] Also, I watched the live action drama of DC, which was - in my opinion - a bit weird and I partly don't understand the whole story. :( But it was good!

  3. [part 1] Good!

    I'm doing fine. The teacher of French had a negative remark on me today, but the teacher of English was really interested in my Japan plan. It was funny, 2 people talked to me individualy, without the others of my class, on the same day. They've never done that before so I found it funny.

  4. finally watched the DC live action drama series. ^_^

    1. Elizabeth Antoinette
    2. Lauraa


      The episodes seperatly were good, but the whole story was a bit weird and confusing. I don't really know what happened in fact.

  5. I'm sorryyyyy, I forgot to answer! :(

    So, how did your tests go?

  6. I don't have school for 4 days, so I'm good :D How about you? :D

  7. Nope not really. But I don't care. It's already 3 years ago, it's the past. :D I do have some good friends now, and that's what's important :D

  8. Nah, not really :P Why would I only start missing them then? I didn't have friends in high school, why would I miss it? :P

  9. Hmm I don't really miss high school or the people in my class back then. I do know I'll miss the people I go to school with now. :)

  10. I sure will do! ^_^ California is pretty interesting :D

  11. Hahaha :D Yeah school's always the problem XD

  12. Hmm I think 3 or 4 months and then all extras in 1 or 2 months I think. :)

  13. It's expensive to go to California, but if I ever get the chance I will certainly go!

  14. Sure! But I think the chance I ever go to California is like zero or something :D

  15. Okay I guess. I'm already tired of all the groupworks at school though. But only 10 weeks left! :D How are you?

  16. Wow that's cool! ^_^ I didn't know it, but Google told me. :D

  17. Oh it would be so cool! :D

  18. You're welcome! ^_^

    Hehe which episode are you now? :D I should make time to watch the drama now!

  19. Hehe ^_^ What do you like about where you are living now? :)

  20. Hahaha so not in our lives :(

  21. It would be great to see the world by teleportation XD

  22. Haha it would be great! ^-^

  23. That's true indeed! ^_^ I always wish I could teleport, so I could see every place on earth! But that's impossible. :(

  24. Thanks for adding me :) How are you? ^_^

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