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Everything posted by Lauraa

  1. Tomorrow first day of last year of school. Hooraaay! *sarcasm*

    1. detective-EP


      Hope you will have a great year!!

    2. Lauraa


      I hope so vawli! ^_^ I just hope I don't have any re-examinations this year, but I'm afraid I won't pass French xD

      Hahaha thanks Wildheart! :D

    3. Lauraa
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  2. I'm a terrible guesser xD Korea?

  3. I guess you have to, I mean it's only 3 years left, right? You can do it ;) Why don't you like being around many people? (I'm sorry if I ask too much!)

  4. Explain.. I don't know about the system there

  5. Oh how I hate guessing :D Philippines?

  6. Hahaha I'm afraid you'll have to go through all school years :D I did it, and I survived, so you can do it too!!

  7. Ayame Tantei Kanna Natsumi, I agree!! (and damn, that's a loooong name xD)
  8. Yessss!! You like it? :D

    Not easy! Vietnam maybe?

  9. Hooraaaaay beautiful flowers everywhere!! Thanks Yuharu Namu!
  10. North/South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines? I dunnooo :D

  11. Haha yeah I already did 18 years of school xD

  12. Oh I see, so still 3 years before university.. I'm in last year of university already!

  13. Hmm could it be Japan?

  14. Oh really? So where were you born then? And where do you live now? :)

  15. Hmmm our school system's totally different so I don't even know at what age you're in grade 9 or how many years are after that..

  16. Those are different? Woaw :D You were born in different countries then? ^_^

  17. Woaaah floweeeeers thank youuuuuu!
  18. How long do you still have to go to school? :) It's finally my last year! So only 12 weeks of school and an internship left this year. ^_^

  19. Except the fact that summer break's over, everything is going quite good ^_^

  20. Yeah :D So where are you from? :)

  21. Me too, thanks! Last hours of summer break though :(

  22. But it's the start of the last weeks, and then school's over for ever! Hooraaaay! :D

  23. Me too, thanks! :) But school begins again tomorrow, don't want to goooo :o

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