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Everything posted by phantomlady1101

  1. ... The Beatles is not a boy band right???
  2. Angry Birds are nice. I heard Flappy Bird was more delicious but the authentic one is extinct so I cannot have a taste :/
  3. Shada-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. anonymously anonymous

      anonymously anonymous

      I am sooooo sorry T-T

      But don't tell anyone i am online

      i might just not be able t get on anytime soon but i will try anyway

      I miss you by the way

    2. phantomlady1101


      I miss you too :( But you're not gone missing :D

      Come back at anytime you like like me :>

    3. anonymously anonymous

      anonymously anonymous

      Certainly :)

      I am trying my best to peek in here every once in a while xD

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  4. Cards on the table - Agatha Christie Wow.. This book is purely wow...
  5. No, I'm not a normal mannequin, I must be the fashionable mannequin!!!! xD It's a game :/??? Why play???
  6. *facepalm* No, why don't you choose anything which sounds more fashionable??? Like mannequin >.<??? This thing [post=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarecrow_%28DC_Comics%29]scarecrow[/post] is ugly >.< Like I would die xDDDDDD Who says I need a team !!!
  7. :( T^T TT^TT I can never imagine such pain.... NO, YOU'RE NOT PATHETIC. Confessing your feeling is a courageous thing! Be proud of it!!!!!!!!! No matter how stupid it seemed, you did it! ... About me... Well, haizzz, since some people who I think she and he are close to me here said theirs, I think it would be impolite not to tell...
  8. *reads all the answers above* No one needs me :/ Fine...
  9. HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR ^.^!!!!!! *fireworks at background while pl1101 jumping around until no energy left*

  10. I just come to say Happy Valentine's Day <333333

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. phantomlady1101


      No, to celebrate romantic love. And romantic love is not only for man and woman. It can be man and man or woman and woman right :D! With anyone? *confused* You mean friends and family mems? No, I don't see anyone celebrate Valentine with family mems, but friends are common since they are single :P

      What examples :/?

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie


      dont like Valentine day

      you like it

      we are done here

      im awesome

      you...meh, you can be awesome too

    4. phantomlady1101
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  11. I miss your birthday T^T... Anyway, happy belated birthday :D

    1. premiumemo


      Its fine Pliioi san..! \o/ *takes out the cake piece reserved for pliioi san* :P

    2. phantomlady1101
    3. premiumemo
  12. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( Deepest condolences to you... I'm sure Cool Kid's grandpa is at the coolest place now :)
  13. o.OSastra-chan is enough -.-"""" That's not rude :>MK is becoming over-protective towards his dad I suppose xD Wow, that would be the coolest dad ever Haha... So who's your mother :>? Cool Kid xD???? Yeahhhhhh! BROMANCE FTW :3333333
  14. I've known this quite long ago. Like 2 yrs ago, I did one and I got INTJ but becuz I was young and my characteristics might change so nah... But like idk, 3 or 4 months ago I did another one and also got INTJ. That's quite strange cuz I follow idealism... Both the time the difference between E and I was not much I know I'm not that introverted And I'll do another one when I'm 18 I guess when my personalities may be more stable...
  15. Anokata :> o.OSo... Baltha is monkey >.<? Etou... You are over 18 so I think it's legally fine
  16. What's wrong about that :/? I'm at perfect age ^^ I said I was at perfect age Fun fun fun ^^
  17. Why don't you approve :/? You did not object when Sastra forced me to be her wife -.-"""Amusing o.O? Haha, it's quite fun though Mariage is for all genders, not only girl What is confusing :/?
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