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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by phantomlady1101

  1. Don't look at the past! Look at the present
  2. Nah! If Reus were lucky enough in the quarter final, Real could not make the CL! ^^ -> Reus's fan *high five* Oh yeah!!!
  3. You have new class ? Me too T^T Well, I should be excited but... :/
  4. Reading italic part: Haha, childish Baltha xDDDDDD Reading bold part: Sounds suspicious but I still don't know what you mean :/
  5. I'M NOT LITTLE ANYMORE I'M 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< That's the worst joke I've ever heard :v
  6. Sorry Oops, it's not new year now Go to the moon ^^
  7. 11330 I think that's enough :> So do you please ?
  8. Oh, ok! Cuz I think since the founder - Mr. Maurice is male we should address DCW as male xD but nevermind You gave me a surprise ^^ You are a great friend Wait.... Since when a stupid MU fan can befriend with a pure Chels fan like me >.<
  9. I have the original one, this one and the piano version! And I have some more songs of him - Overwerk! My god, I love his "old" music <3 Nice indeed!!! Cannot believe I found someone who also know about this awesome song
  10. Really! You don't think so :/? Dreaming - Smallpools
  11. La la la la la :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHADA-CHAN!!! *hugs* Hope you a wonderful year full of joy and happiness ^^

    1. phantomlady1101


      Nah, I see!

      You need to be more patient xD!!!

      No, I'm serious :<

      Patience is good!!!!

    2. anonymously anonymous

      anonymously anonymous

      I know :3

      Its just hard sometimes but I somehow survive XD

    3. phantomlady1101


      Yup, at least you know ^^

      But you will not only "survive" if you're patient ^^

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  12. I think he is like the male version of Adele Wake me up - Avicii
  13. 11313 It's not fake marriage, it's forced marriage T^T I'm trying to get a divorce >.<
  14. Happy Birthday ^^

    1. phantomlady1101


      *googles* That sounds cool :D *open Kindle* NO EBOOK :o? Fine -.-""" *go to Amazon* Only 1 left and 25$ EXCLUDE shipping :<? >.< Haha, guess I have to go to bookstore to search for it :) Thanks for suggestion :D

    2. Kirsch


      Welcome! Wow, I never knew how much it was :o I just got it from the school library.

    3. phantomlady1101


      Oh, so lucky :D

      I'm thinking about reading some philosophy stuff xD

      If I have time :((((((

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