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Everything posted by phantomlady1101

  1. Haagen Darz :3 Want more, but I don't like the ice cream in the box, I want them to be served but too lazy to go to the place -.-"""
  2. Happy Birthday ^.^!

    1. phantomlady1101




    2. Akazora


      Haha, I don't use emoticons, but rest assured I appreciate the sentiment.

    3. phantomlady1101


      No, I don't care if you appreciate it or not. All I care is that you have no emoticons >.< Be aware of who you are having conversation with :< *serious face*

      I'M THE LADY OF EMOTICONLAND!!! Everyone needs to use emoticons to me >.<


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  3. A little party never killed somebody x33333333!!!! YAHOOO! WEEEEE~!!! (No, I'm not drunk xD)

  4. Happy Birthday Zubi-chan :333!!!!

    1. phantomlady1101
    2. Alpha the Errorist
    3. phantomlady1101


      Wait? Boring :o??? No way >.< Zubi-chaaaaan :/ Why?

      No one celebates with you :(?

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  5. Nevermind :| Oh really ^.^? Thanks <333Too bad Shada has not seen it yet
  6. ??? So what do you think I did? I just imagined and the drawing appeared xD? Scupid ketchup
  7. Sorry for the double post but this one is special This is for my cute little sister Shada-chan who is experiencing one of the most wonderful ages in her life In Vietnam, we refer 15 years old (of a girl) as the age of full moon :3 Hope you a great year. But this is just a design. I'm working on a more quality drawing But still this is what I think of Shada-chan OMG, this inspires me so much :3!!!!! Have to get back the the other one Hope you like it, Shada-chan P/s: Is it a little too mature for you xD? Full body Bad photo taking skill -.-"""
  8. Happy Birthday Cool K... Wait! No way you're 18 :o Nvm :) Have a great year ^.^

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Milady, I'm still very much a kid! Last time I played with Lego I was 18. Yes I still play with Lego.

      Haha, but thank you Milady. :)

    2. phantomlady1101


      Playing Lego does not prove that you're still a kid :3

      You really love Lego :D

      Anyone gave you Lego as a gift, Cool Kid :)?

  9. Ibra... You compared our Chels like that :

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. phantomlady1101


      Haha yeah!!!

      But I'm not in a mood for football now :)

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      You 2, please


    4. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      Manutd is below Chels and Ars, duh :P

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  10. It's a family name so I cannot guess the gender Ok...
  11. His name sounds Vietnamese xD
  12. No, Geo has nothing to do with my life -.-"""
  13. For a first time in my life, I've studie Geography seriously. -.-"""
  14. When I was young, I was called "Lady in the Bell Jar" by most of my classmates xD
  15. Dear my dear friend, Why not answering me? I'm waiting... But I'm not sure if I'm still hoping... Love, your friend.
  16. *try to be wise* It has a whole meaning inside it, my enemy
  17. Hai hai... I was wrong! I was also relieved after throw that thing away
  18. It is defintely a no Yeah, keep that "never'!!! Don't ever lose to your weak emotions!!!! ^.^
  19. "I know that I know nothing." - Socrates (Plato)
  20. Once again I'm scared of myself. Firstly, I really don't know what made me so brave to go to that place. Secondly, even I was emo I still had some sanity not to be involved in that thing.If you just went there and had a look it might not be very serious :/ You experience in deep web was also creepy o.O? Or you're talking about black market? If the latter one... yeah... it was really...inhuman
  21. I did not buy poison from deep web. I'm not that risky (don't let anyone on deep web know you want to die right or else they could arrange a more lucrative death for you )I bought somewhere else irl. But I did visit black market once due to curiosity -.-"""
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