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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Lia.

  1. Dear Anonymous, I don't appreciate the way you seem to look down on me. Writing a fifty-thousand-word novel within thirty days is not an easy thing to do, and you obviously do not realize that. I recognize that everyone is different and unique in their own weird way, and that in itself is completely fine. Valuing yourself is also completely fine. However, looking down on others isn't. Therefore, please understand that everyone is entitled to do what they love - you on the stage, acting and me on my laptop, writing. I hope we can learn to respect each other equally. Thank you, Anonymous.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bWjlYDl8fg&list=PL0154692FD5768767&index=1&feature=plpp_video This ^
  3. Happy birthday, Hollie-chan!!! XD

  4. こんにちわみんあさん。私は Lia です。
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvmfeqX5nxg This ^ again.
  6. Lia.


    Chinese: Project, forum post Math: Project, online activity American History: Facebook Activity, Study Guides, Readings Chem: Study Guide, Test next class English: Writing Competitions, Presentation and Independent Reading PE: Independent Fitness sessions Drama: Read play and do review
  7. Dear Anonymous, I've had enough. This is it. I'm putting an end to this whether you like it or not. Thanks, Anonymous.
  8. Actually... I'd like to ask if anyone knows of a movie by Miyazaki that will be released soon? I haven't watched any of his movies for quite a while...
  9. For me, 'We are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together' is acceptable and 'Safe and Sound' is good.
  10. 考试家族 插曲:《考验》-瑞恩 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK0w6ATg72c&feature=related
  11. For school, I've read 'The Things They Carried' by Tim O'Brien, and I've started reading 'The Great Gatsby' for fun.
  12. What I've watched since Summer: 《花样人间》Joys of Life 《乐在双城》A Tale of 2 Cities 《书包太重》My School Daze 《微笑正义》Poetic Justice
  13. 微笑正义 《不够勇敢》-叮当 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvmfeqX5nxg&list=UUXcvjeceaiM_iygyLho_oxg&index=0&feature=plcp
  14. If I was a boy for a day, huh... I'll just go swimming for most of that day.
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