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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Lia.

  1. This. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-Un4zAMFno&feature=related
  2. I found out that they will not make more episodes for FH3. DX I'm upset at the ending. DDDX
  3. Lia.

    I wish...

    I wish I was in a better state.
  4. I wonder if I'm the only one here...
  5. I wonder why they decided
  6. Lia.

    I wish...

    I wish that I was more capable.
  7. Lia.

    Random Chat

    But wasn't Parkur Jovan's mentor?
  8. I wonder if any other fans of DC and FH3 saw the similarities.
  9. Lia.

    Secret Santa

    For my wishlist, I'll like... ShinRan (not angsty) fic/drawing HakAko (fic) Sato x Takagi (fic) MitsuAi (drawing) Heiji x Kazuha (drawing) Sonoko x Makoto (drawing/fic) Please NO ConAi/ShinShi
  10. Really? Which episode are you on? Still ~ Hillsong
  11. Private letter, not directed to anyone on DCW.
  12. Lia.

    I wish...

    I wish for happiness.
  13. You can watch them from YouTube, but the subs are in Chinese characters~ Though, people say 'their cases have really predictable killers', so I think it might be less interesting than DC for some people.
  14. Lia.


    Atychiphobia- Fear of failure Catagelophobia- Fear of being ridiculed I face these every day ^ That's what makes me 'strong'. Aeroacrophobia- Fear of open high places. Trypanophobia- Fear of injections. Tomophobia- Fear of surgical operations. Fear of corpses Also, I couldn't find some of them on the list, so...
  15. Lia.

    I wish...

    I wish to talk to someone who would understand...
  16. Lia.


    Cases of unfairness? What happened to me x years ago in IKEA was a case of unfairness. Not that I want to bring it up again. Anything that involves me and my RL siblings List of examples: Anything that involves my sister and my stuff. Anything that involves my brother being selfish/rude/boastful Anything that involves name calling/bullying/'swear words' When you've pressed for the lift and it keeps skipping your turn When you end up late because of that Life is always unfair.
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