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Posts posted by Zeaos

  1. I'm not a Manga reader, but this reveal gave me a big shock and a bit of confusion. I mean why did Gosho decide to reveal this now? I feel like Conan is near the end now.

    Regarding my confusion, there is something that I don't understand;



    Is Carasuma now the boss of the BO, RUM, or someone who had a connection with them? because if he is the boss that is

    REALLY disappointing. From the beginning, he was suspect of being the boss. I really really hope that Gosho is trolling us with this one big BS. 


    Another thing that I saw, back then when Gin wanted to open the locker which Conan was inside it had the number "219", and this the Episode's number in which Carasuma was revealed in.


    What do you think?





  2. 22 minutes ago, Zeaos said:

    Hi, I just finished re watching Mystery Train arc and at the end of episode 704 I saw this man behind Vermouth:

    I want to know who this man is, when he appeared and what he was doing on the Train.

    I am 100% positive that I saw him in some episode..don't remember where..


    and he seems to be pointed out in this scene.

    Nevermind I just remembered that he is Kaito's accomplice.

  3. I believe it was before V53 P8 - I think it came up recently in the "Raven Apocalypse" booklet, but I think there is also an interview from a couple years ago saying the same thing?


    From the Red Thread's Page:



    MOST INTERESTING INFO RECAP FROM "The Raven Apocalypse" Booklet

    Huge thanks to Spimer for his translations:

    - The cover mentions Rum and the "Sister outside the domain"... And says that Agasa reeks despite that Gosho says he's not the Boss.

    - On the graph detailing relations between BO members, it says that Akai killed Scotch because "he knew his (Scotch's) real identy (a PSB spy)". It sounds like Scotch's cover got blown and Akai killed him but that could be an assumption by the publisher.

    - This confirms what's been said for a while: Anokata's full name has appeared at some point in the manga before File 8 of Volume 53. That makes about 600 candidates excluding those that Gosho has denied they are Anokata.



    Another thing in regards to Matsumoto... I think it's possible they will write him off. Kuroda is basically his replacement, and his VA passed away a couple years ago, unfortunately.

     Does that imply that Agasa has some connection to the BO?

  4. Did Conan know from the beginning that Akai was disguising himself as Subaru Okiya? and his plan all along? because when Eisuke Hondou told him that he heard that a FBI agent died Conan smiled and said everything is good. Furthermore Conan let him (Subaru) reside at his house like nothing?

  5. Kind of old news, but another update from the movie website...












    I guess this is referring to Yuki Amami starring as the guest movie character, and we'll get some background on them in the next issue of Shonen Sunday?




    Her right eye color is the same as RUM's.

  6. I've got another questions which really confuse me, why is it so easy to infiltrate the BO? so many has done it already and they didn't get caught? ( as soon as I remember).

    Why doesn't Anokate know about Vermouth's traitorous behavior? when she is his favorite and so close to him? is he that stupid? to be deceived by woman? or he does know yet doesn't make anything about it?

    How come the BO couldn't hide it's existente completely? 

    Sine we know that RUM is second in the organization doesn't that make the BO quit small organization? we already know who is second in lead..


    Here is a copyedit something from my wiki talk archives about the informant:

    TLDR: There were two informants. One was Vermouth who was asked by the boss to keep tabs on Akai. The other went in the hospital on Vodka's orders after Kusuda vanished to see how many FBI were around, but that person was not Camel or another spy embedded in the FBI. BO had no spies infiltrating the special Japanese FBI brigade at time of Red vs Black.


    Gin's first informant was Vermouth looking for Akai's car. The second was someone Vodka sent into the hospital to scope the place out after Kusuda disappeared. Gosho was being intentionally vague about the whole informant thing because he was actively encouraging the idea Camel was a BO spy up until he revealed that he was working with Akai on a secret plan instead. It is in the same vein as James Black making Akai sound like Gin in his first appearance.

    Here is how I reached my conclusion about the two informants.


    Vermouth: Vodka asks Gin in file 603 on page 5 if he had any calls from the informant. Gin's exact lines are "I haven't gotten anything from the informant... Anyway, according to that person's (ano kata) instructions, that plan is just to be extra sure; however, I haven't been counting on the informant from the beginning." Now, fast forward to when Gin berates Vermouth for being slow finding Akai's car because he parked far away. (603.8) "You're late Vermouth... that was a direct order from that person, right?" Vermouth being the informant perfectly matches up with Gin's lines:

    • The order was from the boss
    • Vermouth's info on Akai’s whereabouts was "extra"; the core of Gin’s plan was Vodka, Chianti, and Korn with the thermographers scanning the vans.
    • Vodka was wondering why the informant was delayed, and Vermouth was delayed because she could not find Akai at first.
    • Vermouth initially had not found Akai, so the informant had no information (not gotten anything).
    • Gin was not counting on Vermouth's info because the opponent was Akai, and Gin had correctly predicted Akai anticipated being searched for and would make it difficult for the BO to find him.

    The reason why Gosho was being exceptionally vague here is because he wants everyone to think Camel might be a spy. It was part of the mystery.

    The other guy: The second informant is the one Vodka mentioned sending into the hospital after Kusuda ceased contact in 599.2. Of course this informant was made out to be Camel when he appeared later. Later it was revealed that Akai called Camel in, not Vodka. We still have no idea who Vodka sent in, but it would not have been a very difficult mission. Based on what was reported to Vodka, the informant's main responsibility was to find out if and how many FBI were lurking in the hospital, how they were arrayed, and what sort of resources they had with them (vans in the parking garage for instance). If there were a lot of FBI in a defensive formation, then Rena is hidden there. This informant could obtain this information by wandering around pretending to be a visitor or patient.

    I think it is very unlikely for the BO to have had a spy in the particular FBI group which was protecting the Rena at the hospital during Red vs. Black. (Thus Camel is not a spy)

    • If there was a traitor in the FBI, Rena's holding location would have been known and thus there was no need for Vermouth to interrogate the child and act like she had found out new information - who would she need to fool when she is reporting it to her fellow Black Org members?
    • Gin would not needed to deduce which van Rena was being held in. Sure, the Black Org could have followed all three at first to keep up appearances, but it was clear Gin did not initially know which van Hidemi was in and then deduced it on his own when he heard from Vermouth that Akai that was following the second van - a bluff.
    • Conan appeared in front of the whole assembly of FBI during the strategy meeting of Red and Black. If a traitor has witnessed that, Conan would have been investigated if not killed ("accidentally" if that was the case) soon after Red vs. Black. If Conan was investigated, this would have likely led to the uncovering of Haibara Ai, as the people connected to Conan would be investigated. She could easily be spotted by someone tailing Conan to school while studying his movement routine for example.


     What about this then?






    It shows that the informant was STILL in the Hospital? JYT7bjU.jpg

  8. Before some days ago I watched DC episode 317, and I got to say that I don't understand this Anime anymore or if they did it on purpose, In that episode it seems like Conan doesn't care if his identity gets exposed, like seriously shooting his stun gun facing  Muri's face? and talking in Muri's voice facing the inspectors? that was really stupid of him/them or whatever.

  9. Another thing, where is Heji's guestbook? how come I had not seen it? is it out in the Anime? if not what's the manga chapter that appears in it? thanks.


    Aside from that, I think the Boss is someone who is dying, due to the facts: one, his message to Vermouth: 

    It looks like I have given you too much freedom. Come back to my side, Vermouth.


    From this we could speculate that the Boss needs Vermouth to his side maybe to attend him(?) also if we look at the underlined words, we could conclude that the Boss needs her most of the time to his side, owning to one day is too much freedom relatively for him.


    Two, The Boss communicate with other members with email/messages, from this we could speculate that the Boss can't talk because of his illness or to hide his personality after taking the drug that shrunk him and changed his voice to a kid's voice.(?) (Meaning that Vermouth knows that, probably that's why she acts on her own sometimes -like hiding Conan/Haibra identites- although she is the closest to the Boss, yet, I don't think that the Boos is that stupid to let a woman -popular one- to act on her own without any observation UNLESS he is ill, or as I stated before he took the drug and shrunk, however there is a third possibility and that is the Boss knows what Vermouth is doing behind his back, still, not making a move.)

  10. Later Edit: Other people have attempted to look at the same guestbook and do not agree on the name, so take the theory with a grain of salt please. See this thread: http://www.japanisch-netzwerk.de/Thread-Übersetzung--8840?usg=ALkJrhjsW7HnyTyaHB3a2lFfEt6d7paacg

    Since the German speakers are having a field day with this, here is some suspicious name trivia for you all. So Zenthisoror and HADAA did a translation of one of the names from Heiji's guestbook in the mermaid case.

    8 Aug 2012, 10:17

    vinyard: can someone pls translate the names in the guestbook ?


    8 Aug 2012, 12:03

    Zenthisoror: Hmm...well on the page Conan's looking at, the names are: Sakanazuka Saburo, Miyano Shiho And the clearest name on Hattori's page looks like Ooguro (or Daikoku) Kentaro, although it could be Oozato Kentaro.

    8 Aug 2012, 12:05

    Zenthisoror: If it was Ooguro (or Daikoku) Kentaro, maybe we could put him on the list of suspects for the head of the BO - the symbols for the surname, after all, mean Big Black. smile.gif

    8 Aug 2012, 12:05

    Zenthisoror: But, mustn't jump to conclusions.

    8 Aug 2012, 13:13

    HADAA: Zen, it's actually Ooguro (or Daikoku) -R-entarou(大黒連太郎), and the name Ooguro/Daikoku did appear as the building's name in that Tequila's case (The "Daiko" building which is an alternate pronunciation for the same kanji)

    8 Aug 2012, 13:20

    HADAA: Tidbit: Number 49 is Miyano Shiho and Number 50 looks suspiciously like 土井塔 (Doitou, and with 克樹 Kakki it would become the alias used by Kid once), but at this point I think Gosho prolly simply ran out of names or just inserted random easter eggs, like we did with our movie releases

    So if we play the parse-the-kanji game for Ooguro/Daikoku Rentarou ( 太郎)

    【おお】 (pref) big; large

    【くろ】 (n) black

    【むらじ】 (n) (arch) Muraji (hereditary title; orig. one of the two highest such titles, later demoted to seventh highest of eight)

    太郎 【たろう】- Son. By itself it usally means eldest son, but when prefixed you get other meanings like Kintaro ("Golden Boy"), or Momotaro (Peach Boy)

    Big Black Seventh Child?

    Note: Gosho is fond of odd pronunciations:

    大黒 can be Ooguro (Common pronunciation) or Daikoku (god of wealth and fortune, also used as building name in earlier case)

    Edit for posterity: The disaster started here in German, and then moved to here...

    That's one a hell of hypothesis, seriously plausibly the best I have seen/heard, although there is no evidence, but how would that shock/surprise Haibra?

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