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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by Tsukiko

  1. Our computer died. Noooo!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. IdentityUnknown



      *feeds computer APTX*

      *watches it shrink until it's too small to be used*

    3. Tsukiko


      How computer can eat?

    4. IdentityUnknown
  2. Good Morning everyone in DCW!!! I'm finally 16 years old!!! (and 50 minutes)

  3. I'm in Pottermore, too, now. And ended up in Slytherin... XP

  4. Currently read a fic in FF. I luv this fic! And I had almost forgotten everything about this fic so it's good to read this again ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aeyra


      I got three notifications cuz she posted a chapter twice. ^0^ It's been so long since she last updated. It makes me feel so guilty about my own story. XD

    3. hopes


      Oh. :P When I saw this, I'm like, whoa. Who ever has got you reading it must be good... --.--;; What chapter you on?

    4. Tsukiko


      I read all of them. All 50

  5. I got 91.5 points of 100 from my English exam! I'm so proud about myself...

  6. DCTP has vanished again... Does that mean we'll get a new translation? Or something else???

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wakarimashita


      Same. Hopefully it's fixed soon.

    3. Miss Smiles

      Miss Smiles

      It's fixed, but it's for support forum to fix. Those kind of bug won't go away and sometimes it may come back like hiccup.

    4. Tsukiko


      I see. but DCTP is back and that's the main point. Lock lockety lock.

  7. Exam week~~! Gonna die... Gonna live... Who knows...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tsukiko


      Yeah, thank you. I'll do my best!

    3. Lovestruck


      me too, ;__________; worest than hell

    4. Wildheart888
  8. I wonder should I start being anonymous? It could be fun...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BK201


      @Dad: I'm surprised that advice came from a stalker-bush... =X

    3. Conia


      I'm just not your typical stalker :V

    4. Tsukiko


      Yeah, I agree with Conia. Being un-anonymous is much funnier and DCW feels more alive.

  9. I'm trying to learn how to use this machine. I hope I success 'cause my English sucks.(but only sometimes)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IdentityUnknown


      Well, if it's American English, you'd go with "practice" not "practise". I'm not sure about British, so I decided to ask you first.

    3. Tsukiko


      Duh, okay... -.-

      BTW did you know that Finns are the second best English speakers of the countries where English isn't an offical language? Danish are the best ones.

    4. IdentityUnknown
  10. I'm back! And this week I have no exams! Yahoo!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. conanshinichi


      You should have said "I'm back! And this week I have no exams! Google!!!"


    3. IdentityUnknown


      *headtables* *facepalms*

    4. Tsukiko


      @conanshinichi: Maybe...

      @IU: Don't hit your head to table!

  11. My fic has been updated a week ago but I still have a feeling that no one has read it...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lia.


      Where can I read your fic?

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      I never read any fanfictions, soooo...... :|

    4. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      But if you want me to read it, just send me the link.. :)

  12. Thank you for everyone for birthday wishes! Luv ya all! <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wicky
    3. Wicky
    4. Wicky



  13. Zzz! *Floating in boredness* Yesterday I got back my math exam. 7.5 Noo!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tsukiko


      And I got 24,25 points of 36.

    3. IdentityUnknown
    4. hopes



      I got a 71 on my math test two days ago.

  14. Maths exam... Now I'm goona die not my computer! -.-"

  15. 70 posts in one week... not bad

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IdentityUnknown


      *cough* I didn't post on the Games forum yesterday...but I still have...erm, a lot of posts?

    3. hopes


      Congrats!! :D Now you just have to get up to posting 150 a day like I did... ONCE.

    4. IdentityUnknown


      I've posted like that several times...and probably got up to 200 a day...

  16. First 6 chapters on the internet! Go, read and review, please! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IdentityUnknown


      If I have time, I will.

    3. hopes


      What's it called??

    4. Tsukiko


      @Akakata: Rose in the Eclipse of the Sun. It is my old fic which you have already read but in a new form.

  17. Whoa, over 800 posts. Should I be proud about it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IdentityUnknown


      Yes, you should. Congrats!

    3. AiSuigetsu


      i only have 19...-_-'''

    4. Tsukiko


      Thank ya! I just felt a bit awkward eith it because some of you have already over 1000 posts...

  18. I was here again! Hello people! o/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. anonymously anonymous

      anonymously anonymous

      Hello sempai! Welcome back!

      I am new here (since may I think?) So you may not know me....

      But I heard about you from others ^^

      I hope to be a good friend and nice to meet you ... :)

    3. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      Hey! Welcome back! Long time no talk :D

    4. Charala97


      Hi! Long time no see! I'm also coming here after a long hiatus. How have you been? :)

  19. Yesterday I got a new computer. I so happy even though I'm not allowed to use it before weekend. (I have too much exams...)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IdentityUnknown


      I want a new laptop! Maybe. As long as all my files get transferred on properly.

    3. Tsukiko


      Pretty good, yes. When I have time, I'm gonna rewrite my fic.

    4. X-x-chyeah-Kaito-Kid-x-X
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