Well, I'll try something quick...
-- -- --
Tsukiko woke up slowly. Her head hurt and she felt dizzy.
"Uh, what happened? Where I am?" She though as she rose to sit. "My hands... Them are handguffed... What an earth has happened? I fell asleep a bit after IU had returned my cell phone. The van stopped and I woke up... Then... I saw a weirdo guy who run into the van and throw something in and that thing exploded. And a black spot in my memory..." She looked around the room she was locked in. It was pretty normal room but there were no furnitures except a closet in the corner. "Where are IU, Chelsy and Lia?"
The door opened and someone stepped in. Tsukiko froze. It was Driver who wanted to kill her.
"Well, well, well... What do we have here? A little snake who slithered away." Driver smiled. Tsukiko smiled.
"I take that as a courtesy. I like snakes." She answered.
"Oh, shut up! I'm trying to help you and your friends."
"You what?"
"Don't make me repeat myself." Driver rasped.
"I don't. But why? And what if here is some cameras here?"
"There is some interference in them right now. Lemme help you." Driver unlocked Tsukiko's handguffs.
"Why should I trust in you?" The Finn asked when she stood up.
"This why." Driver took Tsukiko's bag from the closet. "I made sure that everything is still there."
The girl took her bag carefully still glaring at the driver. "What is your name?"
"Why do you ask?"
"It's the first step to trust. Knowing the identity."
"What! You are a woman! I though..."
"And so did everyone else. I had to keep my alias so I pretended I was a short-tempered young man." Shannon smiled. "Come, there is no one at the corridoor right now."
Tsukiko followed Shannon trough the corridoors to a next door. It was pretty far from the room Tsukiko had been. Shannon opened the door and Tsukiko peeked in. A darkhaired girl was sitting in the corner.
"Ah, Chelsy!"
"Tsu-Tsuki? How did you find me?" Chelsea asked. "Huh, who is this?" Shannon opened the girl's handguffs.
"She is..."
"Shannon Lancaster, FBI." The woman showed her identity card.
"Hmm... How old are you?"
"But she looks so young." Chelsea whined.
"27." Shannon answered.
"We have to stay moving and find some weapons."
"I agree. Do you also know where the others are?" Tsukiko asked.
"I know where they supposed to be."
-- -- --
Out of ideas. + Daddy tells me to quit for tonight. I'm calling Chelsea "Chelsy" in this part.(I hope I remember to her with that name in later parts too...)
Guh, I'm almost 16... In fact I was born 6:24 AM so it's 9 hours and 9 minutes(our time) until I'm 16. But now BYE! See ya when I'm older and wiser. :grin: