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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Tsukiko

  1. I told I that post that I haven't planned all my pictures! I trying to draw all of us!
  2. *laugh* I gotta go now. I have to enjoy my last days as a fifteen year old...
  3. Well, that is possible. IU though that I'm over 16 even though I'm still 15. Two/three days left...
  4. Well, that is possible. IU though that I'm over 16 even though I'm still 15. Two/three days left...
  5. *blink blink* *Exits when is too confused* :arrow:
  6. Uh, who are you talking with? I'm kinda confused... Well, I was elsewhere for a while...
  7. I'm not paired with anyone here. Should I be happy or sad about it?
  8. Well if I have a bad luck(and I'm lazy or I lose my inspiration or I'm too busy) you'll see those drawing in September... Just kidding! I'll try my best and my hardest.
  9. *evil grin* Thank ya... Well, I'll start working in two hours...
  10. @Misaki: *watches google pictures* Hmm... Rin... Okay, I'll something like that then. BTW, I forget to ask about your glasses too. Is it okay, if I draw them like I have planned to draw KKLT's?
  11. Okay, thank you very much. I'll start work with my first drawing(me, IU and LIA). I should be ready this evening (my time=after three or four hours) and I'll try to post it here tomorrow, but I don't promise anything! A few questions: -To IU: I remember that FakeIU borrowed your glasses. I thought could you use glasses like this but in different color(light blue or something)? -To Monsi: Are you really gonna use Crocs?! Nevermind, I'll draw them. I have no idea about your hair. Is it really short(like a hedgehog)? Or a bit long(like Kakashi's from Naruto)? -To KKLT: Can I make you same like side locks than Akako has? And is it okay if I draw your glasses that they cover your eyes completely? -To Misaki: Is your hair like Kobayashi-sensei's? And those ones who has long sleeves: no watches for you.
  12. Oh, did you? I missed that part... Well I haven't read the begining of this thread very closely... My bad.
  13. Thank you, you are pretty good too. :-)

  14. I can't believe that mah summervacation is gonna end a day after tomorrow! And the day after that my school starts and I'll be 16!!!

  15. In fact you must be under 16 because you wrote to one part that you woke up older girl(me) and I'm 16 on Thursday. Detective Tsuki iz here!
  16. How about bangs/head hair? I forgot that part from my previous message.
  17. I got inspired by this thread and started drawing something fun. But I have one problem with that: I don't know how do you look like. So would you please post here these things: -Haircolor and length -Eyecolor and shape -What would you wear during a commandoattack(yeah, we are doing something like that...) -And your age(if you don't wanna post it here, you can also send me some private mail) People in the first drawing: me, IU and LIA People in the second drawing: Monsi, Chelsea, BK and KKLT People in the third drawing: I don't know yet. I haven't planned it. (People in the fourth drawing: Not sure am I gonna draw it. Depends how many people will be in the third one...) Okay, I'll wait for your answers. Wish me luck!
  18. I have to go now and take a walk. (Blame my mum...) I'll be back tomorrow about this time or earlier... Bye!
  19. Monsi's two posts at the previous page are identical... I'm sure about that.
  20. Huh? Hmm... Gotta check them again...
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