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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Tsukiko

  1. Hakuba And the next one who post here: I'm NOT Vermouth!
  2. Hi, I'm back with better mood. :smile:
  3. Tsukiko


    I realized that my brother's blood group is most likely AB. And if that is true we are like Eisuke and Hidemi cuz mine is O.
  4. A secrets makes a woman woman!!! Tea or coffee?
  5. No one cuz I already ate them...
  6. Yup, I luv T!

  7. Tea and noodels... Everything is fine now...
  8. I need tea. Let's have a tea party!!!
  9. I mixed the weeks and wandered around amusement park in rain about an hour. Now I'm home but my shoes, socks and jeans are wet.
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