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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Tsukiko

  1. It took me for a while but I finally realized that Finland won the world championship in icehockey! Mahahahahahaha!

    1. hopes
    2. Aeyra


      Ice hockey? When was the championship?

    3. Tsukiko


      In this month. The final was on last Sunday

  2. *Eye brows raising* You are... Ayumi.
  3. Currently read a fic in FF. I luv this fic! And I had almost forgotten everything about this fic so it's good to read this again ^_^

    1. Aeyra


      I got three notifications cuz she posted a chapter twice. ^0^ It's been so long since she last updated. It makes me feel so guilty about my own story. XD

    2. hopes


      Oh. :P When I saw this, I'm like, whoa. Who ever has got you reading it must be good... --.--;; What chapter you on?

    3. Tsukiko


      I read all of them. All 50

    4. Show next comments  507 more
  4. Lia Why I get the weird ones of the nick-names?
  5. ... *still offline* Hey, I've over 400 posts!
  6. My birthday(It was the 11th August and Friday)
  7. Actually I like Vermouth but it annoys me when I'm always called her. AND I'M NOT SONOKO!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
  8. Okay... I'll try this ltr
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