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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Tsukiko

  1. I'm jumping around my room.
  2. not-willing-to-give-the-answer
  3. I found out that DC 812 chinese scans are out! Link
  4. And the other thing I can't wait is Chek's opinions and deductions about this case/file. I hope the next spoilers are not coming too fast.
  5. ^Umm... use these []. otherwise the spoilers won't work.
  6. Dear Conia thank you very much. (what? you are stalking me? I shouldn't be surprised though...) tsukiko
  7. We all are waiting for Moho. I wonder why... Maybe because he has been pulling the strings from the very begining... (read the first 20 pages of this thread so you'll understand what I mean)
  8. dear anonymous I guess I failed with math exam... tsukiko
  9. hmm... hard to say. its depends it the mouth open or closed... if you go to dA there is soem new drawing(three) and there I have drawn the mouth sideways. It's really hard...

  10. Dear Bananasu O RLY? Tsukiko
  11. dear someone I'm hungry tsukiko
  12. OOH! I'm looking forward of seeing the chinese scans! Thank you very much!
  13. dear anonymous thank you tsukiko
  14. good this far. let's see how it is like after tha math test...
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