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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Tsukiko

  1. Hey, I have some news for you all! I've been writing this fic once again! Over ten chapters are there now up. I hope you guys go to check them out. Put review there or here. Either is fine, I'll just more likely answer to them if they're there... Anyways, my writing style has developed a bit and so is the storyline I planned in the beginning. Heck, I don't even rememeber what I had planned previously... But anyways. If you go to check it, please comment. I'd make me really happy!
  2. I don't think there's anything weird in this. Gin's common sense just kicked in. He knew/assumed that Sherry would be escaping from the room and the only way was through the chimney. With Conan, he assumed that it was a adult who set up the trap for Vodka thus is looking for one. He sees no reason for a child to chase the Org. So he dismisses the sound of Conan's breathing because it goes against his logic.
  3. I think that Okiya should appear once more. So should Sera. And I hope that Okiya will face the FBI properly now. Without revealing his identity! Amuro and Vermouth will the dancing around too. And maybe Conan will find out was he truly wrong about his suspicions or is Amuro messing with him.(not saying anything else in the case ppl haven't seen the most recent files) No DB or Kid.
  4. Hmmm... 8 will always be in my heart since it's the first one I ever watched. 13 is brilliant and so is 14. 12 is one of the last ones I saw before the new ones started to come(14 onwards)... And I liked it for it's music theme. 6 is nice and a bit different. I like 3 for Kid and 5 for the Org. And now I can't wait for the 18.
  5. Maybe 13 at least... And possibly 5 too. I should rewatch the movies to state more accurate opinion. But 13 definitely. It has true potential unlike some others.
  6. I watched this movie a couple of weeks ago with my phone... It was okay I guess. Better than 16 where the bombs were overused or the one with pirates(9 or 11) but not as good as some other ones. Didn't really move me to one way or another.
  7. I wanna see this... Have you seen the pics in DCTP? They're awesome!
  8. Hi! I'm here again and I have to say that I really liked this case. Plot went forward and I can smell that something big is going to happen.
  9. "Tell me something I don't know!"
  10. dear anonymous... Goddammit, give me that snow! Tsukiko
  11. at the moment my inspiration is partially lost
  12. go the wash my teeth and then go to bed.
  13. "Fear of death is worse than the death itself"
  14. snow, snow and snow. Lots of snow actually
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