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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. i know right you can have a race on it or stab someone
  2. so...nothing to look forward to would you give it 3/5
  3. finally, we are moving on also is anyone or a group willing to translate the kid files
  4. happy bith day,, drop by once a month

  5. i waited for M17 to get out in HD, like, a year. waiting for M18 will not be hard, besides, the translation will be faster then the last one
  6. if i was homeless, i wouldnt mind the warmer parts of the world
  7. dont get me wrong, i still love snow but seeing as it fallls, then melts, then mud im happy that its not going to fall but they are saying that this is going to be one cooooooooooold winter
  8. sure it falls one day then melts the next day and everything is wet and mud
  9. to me they are still bad-ass, if the casess with the BO were about the BO and not the spies and we did not have an awesome gin like since the clash series
  10. we have not had like good snow here in 2 years kinda miss it but then again i can live without it nothing beats spring, its the perfecte balance summer and fall are kinda ok...i guess im hopping that there wont be a lot of rain this fall and not so cold winter, and no snow
  11. it does say closest friends, yes im adding you on my closest friends list here ¨lets friends theme song go¨
  12. if there was only a way to make the compass larger so that we can see the member on it

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      just curious on where everyone is positioned

    2. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      you click on the picture, there's a link that leads you to the political compass site with all the individual positions on it. wonder if that helps, though.

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      did that the first time you posted the thread, long ago

      :) still, thanks

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  13. The animation looks good/better, but ii cant be too sure...watching it on the phone
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