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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. omg, jovan

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      ah you know same old same old

      i kinda miss my old friends

    2. Lupin of the Heisei Era

      Lupin of the Heisei Era

      aa me too~

      I thought there will be much more member here ;__;

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      there are some

      but i have been looking for the old crew

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  2. The beginning started out great, then came a lot of stupid fillers. We all kinda knew that he would be an anti-hero...but the spy thing is getting old. The mystery train was good (8 out of 10). The later casess were good-bad, and then the showdown killed it for me
  3. dont know but i have to add meitantei holmes on the list now
  4. But it would seem that he has not been on for some time now he is out having fun, so i hear puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush
  5. do you guys mean The Triplet's Country Home Murder Case
  6. check out nyaa, who is this new eng sub group

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      yeah, im thinking of those episodes

      do you know the fansub group that subed them

    2. Hobgoblin2012


      No, never heard about it before.

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      today, it seems that everyone is subbing

      and i dont know where its coming from

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  7. now that it has ended not happy with it, could have been better
  8. You can watch and rewatch great movies over and over again will watch it again when scotland votes yes
  9. also sorry for a belated happy birthday

    1. Hobgoblin2012


      It's ok, don't worry, I sometimes forget too :-)

    2. Balthazar Manfredie
  10. it would seem that there is a batch of remastered episodes out

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      remastered episodes 27,28,112 are out

      thought you might like that

      really, thats like after holmes

    2. Hobgoblin2012


      These ones I have watched, but thanks anyway, I had watched them in Russian, the English translation would be interesting to compare.

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      i thought you watched the english trans

    4. Show next comments  330 more
  11. Mine would be Roller Coaster Murder Case ( the second situation, dont get why you want to kill a guy if he left you. Just punch him in the jewels.) Holmes Freak Murder Case ( never understood folks like the killer) Big Monster Gomera Murder Case (i like the fact that the actor is serious, but to kill someone who does not want to make a movie... ::: ) The Locked Bathroom Murder Case (i hate motives like this one, great case thou) The Disappearing Weapon Search Case (not a good motive) The Amusement Park Bungee Jumping Case (what) Will Update this
  12. do you still update that political compass

    1. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      i saw some new posts and i'll do that when i get home. i admit that i havent been updating it as vigilantly as i should. :P

    2. Balthazar Manfredie
  13. Economic Left/Right: -1.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.87
  14. no, he comes around more so then the ones we listed i talk to him
  15. it was my last resort, dont get why folks have a problem with what i did. i found someone and teamed-up. but i do believe i will get a bad rep for this

    1. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      it's far too suspiciously like sockpuppeting. i hope you understand that i can't stand with you because of this.

    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      i do understand that you cant stand with me on this one. i know that what i did was wrong or stupid ( pick one or every option). but for some reason i had to do this, its been in the plans from saturday. but why cant i ask my sister to come on and play that game so that they loose.

  16. sure they do, cause we are on the same internet
  17. ok i wont play, if you dont want me its fine by me just so that you know that we have a computer and laptop, so the quick kill was expected you know houses have more the one PC
  18. in other word you hate to lose awesome
  19. this is true, it pained me to kill him but whats done its done now you know how i feel Gin: 31 Pro. Agasa: 7 Vermouth: 11 Bourbon: 11
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