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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. i think he is running out of fillers, which is good news cause he can make the important things done but nooooooooooooooooo
  2. im shocked i will always will rememmber robin, and will always love him RIP
  3. givin his handeling of previous casess, we know how this thing will drag out
  4. ola im your friendly memmmmmber balthazar
  5. to name them all would be tiresome why not go to the sites wiki and check out every episode to see if there is anything shinran related
  6. i dont remember reading that he wanted to do 100+V, then again i dont find it hard to believe i was thinking he would give up those stupid casess of the DBs, irelevant to the plot and like that casess and only focus on the plot from here on out cause he said that he wanted to end conan when he was agasas age and he is a good 1 or 2 years away form that. in all fairnes, are we interested in sonokos birthday, in makotos sister, in the kudos past, in agasas birthday or takagi anymore then the thing he has going on with sato this is ......im tired
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