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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. i hoped that he woud have finished it in 2 years from now seems its gona be loooooooooooooonger then that
  2. first to thank bd for the translation second, is it me or do most of the questions circle around in every interview the way he wants to do the story from now on till the end is really tiresome. he wants to do everyones birthday, childehood, love life then add the casess on the side that he wants to make, then he wants plot progress with the BO, then the ealry questions that were left, then the rum person this is going to be a loooooooooooooong story
  3. we will survive people will get their hands on the animes one way or another
  4. cant decide between kir (the clash parts were amazing to go with the previous settings ) and vermouth was so great
  5. nice catch on goghs picture for the movie

    1. Akazora


      Haha thanks, though all it was was a quick Google search of "sunflowers" and taking a bit of a stab in the dark with the Kaitou Kid involvement.

    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie


      shame the movie will suck

  6. after 20+ years of DC what else will she become
  7. Lovin' it. not a bad move from the anime team. Although it would have been better to substitute kid for the bad AO episeodes whe have been getting (and i do mean bad).
  8. is it just me or is the link not working for the others as well
  9. we shall continue here

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      i would, but i like to ive the people i know a chance and buy me one

      im looking at you

      i ment for vacation

    2. Misaki-chan


      i don't got the money buy it yourself

      oh. then the couch

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      you are mean

      that was your vacation,couch

    4. Show next comments  381 more
  10. So im checking on Nyaa to see if someone has released anything about conan, and found some movies that are in HQ...which DCTP never released in. I think that for the 4th movie the translation is ok based on what litle i have seen, but im not pleased with the 9th movie Anyone know who subs them
  11. will you keep us updated if someone has translated a chaper

  12. no worry, im just happy that there will be someone to continue the manga wen it comes out then it will come out let the good times roll
  13. now this is just sad many thanks to dctp for all that they have done i have a q, who will take the translating job now
  14. What am i looking at? All jokes aside, we all know that with each new season animation changes, some for better some for worse. As for me i liked the old drawings better, same with the art style. If you think thats bad, wait untill you see the 730+...that a bit strange
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