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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. but what about the folks who see badly, and need a bit bigger txt
  2. Downloaded it from the same place, must be some bad thing on my end then. I just think that the subs could be a inch up (so to say ), when watching movies i turn the PC into a sweet place to relax and see the show
  3. i am gratful for the release, i just have a complain that the subs could have been beeter (slower, bigger frame, beter placed then way low). Thank you for DC also i think i mentioned the relese once
  4. a owl told me you a bestseller

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      no, 50 shades of grey is terrible

      you will do fine

    2. IdentityUnknown


      That is true. That is a terrible book. Or trilogy or whatever it is.

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      i feel terible for people who have to go that far to shake their rocks off

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  5. hey misaki, hows life. i kinda have a feeling that i should revisit old friends

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      what about these superhero movies

    2. Misaki-chan


      I've watched a few Marvel ones, but mostly because I have friends who are into them and we go see them together.

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      do you think that the movies in phase 2 are any good, so far only captain america was great to me the other two..meh

      but man of steel was awesome

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  6. So pantalones (Jean), you lurk around the forums but you cant stop by on my profile and say hello... not cool. Also Misaki and Kid are the best friends a member could want here. Shame the olds days are gone
  7. thats a fake picture from the episode fake wedding Edit: If anyone cares, hubuki subbed it, and its out. i dont know if this is old news or old... but hey we get a subbed movie Edit 2.0: Have to say that the movie was great as far as humor goes, the rest is what you were expecting. Jigen and Conan may be my new fave combo in the show also james black was awesome nice that that they put Ai in this one, even the DBs were likeable
  8. wait, is it this week or the next one that the files come out
  9. peel an apple and boil an egg works like a charm
  10. Casess like that : Wealthy Daughter Murder Case Sports Club Murder Case The White Sandy Beach Murder Case Underwater Key in the Locked Room Case Venus' Kiss The Blind Spot in the Darkness im thinking one of these, if not...give me more to go on
  11. dude, i ment that many have left and that there are less old friends here now. ofc, we are still friends how can you think of me this way, now me sad
  12. im not full of hope for this special i dont believe it will be any good
  13. heiji looks ridiculas Now that BD mentioned the tree, i got flashbacks of all the OPs with them standing near a tree. Too many trees in the OPs, next one will be probably that they are standing infront of police HQ
  14. im thinking that we will get not so awesome casess aka fillers till late fall
  15. continuing here: Im not ta fan of pink floyd. Seems like im crazy

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      im not a believer in those

    2. phantomlady1101


      But it's quite right ^^!!!

      And :<


    3. Balthazar Manfredie
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  16. looks like gosho is taking a summer vacation so disappointed in gosho
  17. aha yeah those are not subed, some time in the near future they will be they feel that they are not that important or have no translatore in at the moment
  18. sayath whaaaaaaat My friend, DC is being subed even today. Granted its not as fast as it used to be but go check the moon-lighters fan sub site people have other things to do with their lives, thats why it is called free sub
  19. cant understand you well the episodes that come to mind and are related to bathrooms in some way : Coffee Shop Murder Case Wealthy Daughter Murder Case The Locked Bathroom Murder Case Venus' Kiss The Celebrities' Secret just maybe you were thinking yout this one :The Black Wings of Icarus
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