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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. Now im wondering if this should be un the anime series secrion and not the general one
  2. God, no Gosho is such a bad story teller, he out-dragged this thing for too long many things look the same to me with a bit of a change in the mystery department Heliotropic is correct to me by what he said he had the right idea, but just didnt finish it the right way
  3. same here do you mean first 10min of 802 episode or the whole 801 next case seems boring
  4. 802 is out got to say, it was better than what i expected as far as mystery tours go and what we have been getting
  5. The darkest nightmare sounds normal Pitch black, pure black sounded strange
  6. al least we are better then chelsea

    1. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      Yeah. Lol. They just keep losing for some reason.

      Guess Mourinho gets the Karma.

    2. Balthazar Manfredie
  7. I'll check it later I think the only tours i like are the ones on hiroshima and some other place with NTV
  8. The tittle is kinda...well im not sure what to make of it yet But gin looks great And korn has his usual poker face on
  9. after the last special im really look forward to this one after the special we will get back to the maga cases
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