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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. Im loving what im watching from the young ones KAT and okafor will be big time down low. Mudijay will be a great pg as will d'ANGELO ( his team is not good, and all those great passes are a miss ) Randal is a beginer as well if you think about it, he is a beast Porzingis is so big and can just about try anything Justise w. Is in a nice place to develope. Its gonna be a tough nice year for them
  2. Thats what great shows are always about No matter hoow many times you watch them they hold up
  3. True But Akai will be in it, they are bringing back kir ( strange to me ), the FBI will be there. All in all this has the potential for big money And 18 had great boxoffice results. I did not like 18, and i think this one will be full of unreal action which im not a fan of in dc movies
  4. This one will, most likely, be the highest grossing dc film
  5. im giving them the benefit of the doubt sine i loved the last special they aired really disappointed that the kamaitachi wont be airing the AOs are becoming dumB even I come up with some kind of a solution with 10% of my brain when watching them NEEDS KAMAITACHI
  6. Eisuke not getting the love he deserves :'( Well, diff taste i guess
  7. All these shiping/should be with/hexshe/whatever are all the same
  8. you are not rude folks should read and search before they post and open new topics
  9. 797 is out, soooooooo maaaaaaaany AOsssssss kinda wanted someone to sub the remastered two mix episode by this time also i really like the move to remastered ep 17...it is a nice one from way back
  10. The name of the episode is final ah Cant remember the number, and i cant search cause i hate doing that on my phone
  11. The lakers had it THEY HAD IT man i cant believe it
  12. i could believe this theory for every character except akai i think he is going to kill gin
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