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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. hi

    but im only reading something

    so i wont sty long

  2. i thought you dont watch the anime of detective conan

    what changed your mine

  3. no i really dont know what you are talking about but what ever you say, works fine by me
  4. when did MK said the voting stops so that he can count them
  5. you can vote today on the profile pic mis irene

    but first

    good day

  6. ill see ya later then

    im heading out

    see ya champ

  7. well LIA will come later and legend

    bu there is still ayera akat and others

  8. wow

    you got 3 votes

    maybe youll win this one

    then youll say im awesome and i will go no

    then youll go i won the contest

  9. nah there is not

    i like yours and misakis

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