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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. have a happy bday, i can still remember when you were a kid

  2. how can they not be idiots they are clearly more healthy, have a better team, have all their players Lebron my be awesome but he is just one guy, he will tire out eventually and thats when they need to strike but dont know how cavs dont have a scorer outside of lebron i mean how can gsw not close the deal
  3. this is a thrilling finale, more so then it is great
  4. i will wait until all of them come out then ill watch them i did not like the most of the manga version the anime will be even more bad
  5. the long awaited scarlet series 779 is out
  6. if GSW lose these finals they will not only be the greatest losers of all time but also the greatest idiots of ALL TIME
  7. heheyy

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      i mean the 4 stars

      date, bro

    2. Akazora


      Ohh geez, your comment was so vague there was no way I'd have known what you were talking about unless you explained. And I didn't even notice someone downvoted me back down to four stars, haha.

    3. Balthazar Manfredie
    4. Show next comments  117 more
  8. ooooooooooooooh yeeeeeeeeeeeeah loved the warriors
  9. to be honest this transformation made more sense then this whatever you call it
  10. harden and howard are false superstars all-star or star, but the title superstar and its definition sure have been changed this is where GSW has the advantage in guarding LBJ they can switch defender on him from kly to green to iggy to livingston and that they can make him only relevant to the cavs offence and cut the rest of the team but steph has to follow his stats closely so that his teammates can beat his teammates tristan is not better then gree, he can be on par at rebounding and defence with him but not the rest JR is not as disciplined and coached like clay, mozgov now has a challenge in bogut and kyrie is a x factor comparing bench, its not even close
  11. i can respect this but in order for me to re-watch an episode, it has to be darn good
  12. i can understand if you watched the the older ones, somewhere after the clash series, more the 3 times but these new ones are unnecessary to watch more then once and the AOs, granted there have been 3-4 good ones, but the silver detectives...to watch more then 2 times...no
  13. really you are going to watch a bad episode again you are mentally strong ill watch it tomorrow
  14. we have 778 out if its like the last one...may god help me
  15. i have heard a lot of positives about the special so i will watch it this weekend soooo...shu shu
  16. SuiriOtaku-Kaitou have released their version of this special go and get it
  17. yeah, but can clay play atleast this one like a THOMPSON can they have to close them tonight kobe is a AC Milan Fan
  18. ofc it will it made well above the expected money i like the maze runner, the only problem i have with it is how a bit disappointing it was when the fought they way out of the maze instead of riddles and puzzles
  19. we have talked about how the old style plus digital remastering is phenomenal i love watching those one DBZ falls easily in that category
  20. im mean overall when you include commercials, other contracts, jersey sales and stuff like that im thinking he does not have the money yet for owning a team and i doubt his wife would move anywhere other than beverly hills
  21. i do agree that new transformations are overthetopoverkill and if it sucks, i dont care cause i have the original...in BlueRay
  22. i guess everyone has their own idea on what religion should be like
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