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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. i gave her a wedding dress jk

  2. thats gonna be hard, since shes on the move and will be for a long time
  3. my god cure, you have to be detailed
  4. oh yeah LIA is a writer i forgot
  5. he wonders what all will happen in 10 years i might die, he may be president, you a CIA agent
  6. LOL ON LIA, cant believe what cure has written aha, and see KOBE BRYANT
  7. LA is big town i was thinking to go to Hollywood my self
  8. judging his love for grace, ill say where ever she is
  9. eki to hmmmm and cure, hows your moving coming along
  10. hes filipino and shes from australia how do we get them in one place besides this and cur go to UCLA, its close
  11. =__=;;; where do you want it to be
  12. only the best go there, i only think you want to go there
  13. ccc the ceremony is here, so the best man will be one from here =___= (not a bad face)
  14. cure at UCLA, thats a great place MIsaki, i am the best man but if you want you could be LIAs maid of honor
  15. MK,says hes not Kawai, ill be the best man
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