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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. when money talks i hate it when creativity gets pushed aside for money
  2. its about what im going to do play basketball
  3. you are not missing much wasn't that impressed with this 2 parter 773 is out
  4. are you quoting brad pitt from troy cause i saw that movie like 5 times
  5. seems like someone is now old enough to rent x rated movies. happy birthday

    1. Akazora


      Psht, who rents movies? Thanks man!

    2. Kjeldahl


      *Gives a Pendrive to you both*

  6. its most likly going to be a awkward confession wrapped in a re-washed case the confession cases are bad
  7. after 5 or more years she is ready to reply fantastic
  8. im missing that recent threads created stuff, any idea whats wrong

    1. Chekhov MacGuffin
    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      Here i thought it was just me. So i have nothing to worry about and the prob will be fix some time later on.. thx for the reply

  9. that one is also good MH is just butthurt that it came out first
  10. we have 772 manga was ok for me, anime...lets see
  11. Played nearly 6h of basketball. Im looking to eat a cow or 2 right about now

  12. cant wait to see how much disappointed i will get to be the last scene was my favorite part looks like they left the poseability for more MK1412
  13. we will most likely get some remastered episodes to fill the schedule i would be most happy with that if the remastered ones were the old ones 1-200-300 somewhere there
  14. im thinking that when her sense goes of she looks in every direction but thats just me
  15. 771 is out now i can watch it whole i dont like watching dc episodes split, except the AOs
  16. i love the fact that everything revolves around Vermouth
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