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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. the whole EU is red hot

    dont think the weather is to blame

  2. sry

    the connection went down

    dont know if it will happen again

  3. but it is something .....................

  4. sorry

    i dont

    but i like that one

    i am your father

  5. funny

    i dont like star wars

    but i have watched some of them

  6. i love that movie

    tom hanks and michael duncan were great in that movie

  7. so, how have you been these hot days

  8. well, that would be strange


  9. i did

    does my user appear online all the time when i leave the house and leave the comp on

  10. it was just an example
  11. it doesn't but the the show focuses on conan and only the BO
  12. this is just an anime. kaitos and conans ORG. are different besides, only snake was in the OVA 4 one time but OVAs are not manga related
  13. but the BO is the only big org in this show, any other was caught by conan
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