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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. thats useful info is it mori or mouri
  2. you never know senpai its a strong connection and its moriarty not mouriarty which makes it OK for now
  3. i have to go on yours then hers to check the whole story

  4. oh, she did not school you on the last one

  5. the unknown talk ( IDU and AD )

    never seen before, till now

  6. my my the number keeps on rising

  7. i can imagine AD asks IDU somethin IDU says maybe or i negate that

    AND IDU asks AD something then AD says i cant tell you

    god the nostalgia, again

  8. look at the unknown aint they sweet together

  9. well, i cant really say talk, cause 90% of her answers were i cant tell you

    but she could be cool if it was not for the IDU symptom

  10. not the face, all her answers are i cant tell you

    try to have a conversation, youll flip

  11. eh, KID you think to that she is creepy

  12. dont know why, im great.

    Ep 616 is out in eng. so im watching it

  13. Wait, lets start over again

    Hello KID THE PHANTOM THIEF, how are you

  14. AD and IDU i think, im confused

    you poped out of nowhere with a question

    Thats crazy KID

  15. how do you get long when you ask her something she says i cant tell you, and when she asks you something you negate it or say maybe

  16. would the world be an easy place to live, if we only think like KID you never know what the next day brings
  17. it goes something like this In ep 286 she mentioned her mother died when she was about to receive an award. Then chris received an award but before she got it sharon died could be that she kills other of her personalties when needs to
  18. there is a possibility that she had Sharon's mom ID to
  19. Then this supports the THEO. that she not only has Sharon V. ID then her mother's as well
  20. OK

    get better

    and will i hurt IDU

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