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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *scream*

  2. shes Ok if you listen to GAGA now thats creepy
  3. could be, but there are more like him
  4. i must go sry :(

    i have some work to do

    ill see ya tomorrow

  5. how could you not like HArry potter

    Dont be angry if you cant read this

  6. i was about to say the same thing

    BY BY

  7. EKI to kako ne možeš da voliš harry pottera

    Ma nemoj se ljutiti sto nemožeš ovo pročitati

  8. Harry potter is better then KID

  9. i liked that gay fish ep weary much and that shake weight

  10. dont get angry, you dont need stress at that age

  11. I like southpark, but not all the episodes

  12. im OK nothing to worry about

  13. Cartman from southpark with those DX

  14. OK im better now

    up is the sky

  15. It means weary funny

    pls tell kid im going i dont feel so well

    by by

  16. @PL its OK

    and i can talk to you from the moon

    You remind me of cartman

  17. whats going on

    i dont know where i am

  18. i know, i missed because of phantom lady, my god why is this happening to me

  19. yes i do

    but do you men this one on the forum or the manga one

  20. na, it stands for whats up or something like that

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