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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. Kudo12XX hes seems my kinda guy to drink tea or mineral water
  2. nice to hear that but why bother, it will only have 24 episodes and FFF is doing a great job translating and releasing it
  3. OK how much present are we talking about cause it is basically the same, past or present MUTD kicks butt they might have a chance this year but 100% next years champs
  4. i wonder what kid thinks about my korra review
  5. Suiri Otaku has released the movie in HD finally i can watch it
  6. zubi, is that you

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      dont change your name without informing the public

    2. Alpha the Errorist

      Alpha the Errorist

      Hm. Well you can always check the name history you know :3 and what would be the point if i tell everyone beforehand? :P

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      so i know who you are

      i was like: " o its her, where in Gods name did she leave"

    4. Show next comments  288 more
  7. ahem, little Ha united is light years ahead of Chelsea
  8. i wonder should i re-learn german
  9. i love to sometimes take a cookie out of someones jar, if you know what i mean
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