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Miss Smiles

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Everything posted by Miss Smiles

  1. I also can't wait to watch Sera on tv. ahhh... Sera's appearance may lead Conan find a new lead as the arc started happening.
  2. This is advanced class I naturally have high expectations for fluent chinese speakers to start off with simple words. This lesson is for advanced or secondary level and 2nd lesson isn't difficult as I recap words they've learn in school in past.
  3. Lesson 2: Vocabulary studies 写人体的词汇 外貌: 容貌 面孔 面容 面色 面部 满面 头面 颜面 面宠 面颊 脸孔 花脸 脸皮 笑脸 嘴脸 Next lesson we focus on idioms usage.
  4. will be idling when not working at night.

  5. Having bad sore throat. Don't like weather in Singapore.

    1. Amaranth


      Oh? What's it like there?

    2. Miss Smiles

      Miss Smiles

      Now it's haze attack. When there's none, days are cheery.

  6. There's Kindaichi, I used to watch anime long time ago when I was young and living in Perth. Now I'm in Singapore, I have to go and research more manga and anime for my interest or hobby. :smile:
  7. went to trim my hair, now each ends bouncy and wavy!

  8. clear out cookies in proboard ehub forum

  9. Having fun playing around iPad, I feel like a kid again!

    1. phantomlady1101
    2. JiKudo


      :D angry birds? haha!
    3. Miss Smiles

      Miss Smiles

      yeah, I was browsing around website and play games. Now I'm home. :)

  10. I see. Thanks! Thank you for the information, it helps a lot. :mrgreen:
  11. I see you're using itouch. I guess I can use website to teach. Now I know the reason why Moho and Kaoko use the tactic...
  12. sorry I type too fast. It's now edited. it means the guy is fierce. the words formed because the evil guy's face muscle budging, he or she use a lot of muscles to create intimidated expression.
  13. of course, I've prepare few things for two classes. We will learn more vocabulary and words. I'll be teaching more vocabulary, chinese idioms, folklore and literature. Lesson 1: Vocabulary studies 写人体的词汇 外貌: 苹果脸 麻脸 鬼脸 瓜子脸 四方脸 红脸 脸蛋儿 脸色 We can describe face with adjectives: 憔悴 苍白 圆圆 秀丽 丑陋 清瘦 扁平 英俊 expressions 眉开眼笑 喜性于色 面不改色 喜笑颜开 嘻皮笑脸 满脸横肉 more good words to say about. 白面书生 红喷喷的笑脸 冷冰冰的脸上 脸上阴森森的 脸上苦巴巴的 白里透红的脸 红扑扑的脸 脸上笑喜喜的 We often use these words based on scenario, and it's useful when you add them in composition or novel writing. They are good choice of words when you thought of face expression and they usually written as form of trigger after incident or accident happen.
  14. Oi, advanced Chinese lesson going to start soon.
  15. Moho, did you write this poem on spot? ADDED: Actually I like the poem, so I say that.
  16. thanks! I will think of interesting lesson for advanced class! I've open the basic.

  17. okay we'll proceed to lesson 2! I've notice everyone is fluent in Chinese or either have interest to learn, and I'll be your teacher teaching Chinese! Throughout the lesson I'll be teaching phonics mainly, as we're using computer We're going to use keyboard. There's no homework. If you're interested to learn how to write, copy and paste the word you wish to learn in provided website. http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/character-stroke-order.php?searchChinese=1&zi=%E6%83%B3 If you don't have writing aid for computer to type, check your computer control panel for languages before adding the widget. When there's none, you can use the tool from internet to type with website provided below: http://www.chinese-tools.com/tools/ime.html And you can paste the word into here for us to see what you type! This lesson cover about phonetics Chinese often use to type on internet. First, let's look at the chart: Chinese phonetics You will notice there are many colour coding, as some form words such as: ba, pa. You will see many words you don't understand, don't fret, those are words I will use in the lessons you bound to see them here matching with words. There are phonics which stand alone to pronounce a word. Letters: a, e, o When we use four tones on selected letter, we create 12 words based on each tone together. The rule of pronouncing words: never change words' tone when pronounce a word. It does matters, Chinese will base on your pronunciation thinking of your sincerity when you chatting with them. The list of letter which aligned down at far left are the initials. The list of letter above, spread across from left to right are finals. When you pressed, you will see four tones appear on each phonics. But computer typing don't recognize tone, typing won't be hard. Computer recognize Chinese characters, and locals updated with tools I've mentioned above. Always make sure your computer can recognize Chinese words, check the setting in control panel or use and make sure everything is in place. Writing words with hands are optional, but I strongly recommended it as you able to recognize when typing phonics on computer. Chinese character you want will show up in the list after you type the phonics, sometimes you have to scroll down and find words. If preparation is done, you can start to test out the words: 我的名字是____。 (When typing each phonics, scroll down to find exact character one by one.) wo de ming zi shi ______ My name is ______ 。 You can use the chart to hear how it was sound like by matching words: wo(third tone) de(BPMF) ming(second) zi(BPMF) shi(fourth)
  18. *search for poem* In the past I've write about art:
  19. I was planning to introduce two sessions happen in language forum and I have no wish to double post in 'learn Chinese is easy'.

  20. So you don't want to learn advanced Chinese?

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