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Detective Conan World

Miss Smiles

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Everything posted by Miss Smiles

  1. I invite you to join in and have fun.

  2. I like to invite you to join. :)

  3. More of website C forum making than graphics.

  4. yeah, I know how to set up and configure a website phpbb forum.

  5. Now? Just a moment ago I was talking to friend in Chinese. :) And I've updated my profile with website C forum.

  6. 哈。在漫画里怎么可能。 :smile: 对了,今天你有没有去投票? :?:
  7. :) yeah. It was pandemonium in Singapore. I'll recover soon as possible in next few days.
  8. 象征...我不是指真的。
  9. I'm feeling a bit better but have a dry throat. I can't do much at home but resting, reading and online.

  10. ok. 今天我去投票,我选其中一个。这是秘密。 :smile:
  11. 哦,哦。那时侯时间很迟,KKLT你该要睡觉!我猜现在你已经睡饱了。 :-P Wildheart888,我看到你的profile.我已经知道,猜到你几岁了。我现在家里休息因为我感冒,今天我好多了。 再过几天我恢复。 慷慨解囊 (kang kai jie nang)- 那人不吝色,解开钱袋拿出钱来,大方地经济上帮助别人。
  12. 那,我介绍: http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/character-stroke-order.php?searchChinese=1&zi=%E6%83%B3 你只许要学写字。如果你想学多,你非要专心写简单文章,从那里开始!多读华文书。我们是一边聊天一边读...
  13. I chat with you tomorrow! I got to sleep...

  14. 好吧... 我们读简单的!那成语的意思是知心好友。对了,在学校,你读到几年级?
  15. 没关系。别怕!别怕华语。现在我读别的成语,莫逆之交
  16. 如果有兴趣,你可以参加!不过我有一个堂课停止,你还是可以陪我们学华语。我们一起一边读一边学。 :smile:
  17. 你好像误会我,我是用成语365书本...没关系,每个人有机会学!KKLT,你的答案对了! Wildheart888,你有没有兴趣参加这活动?
  18. 没关系,我们在学!第二,防患未然。有没有人知道答案?
  19. 差一点。无端牵累受害!那才是真正答案!
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