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Miss Smiles

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Everything posted by Miss Smiles

  1. 原来如此。懂了。啊... EDIT: 差一点...我给你半分。
  2. You go and check, you know my meaning. :P

  3. Nah, I don't want to risk it.
  4. your second last post in chinese chatroom

  5. 要啊。我有兴趣。还有,我们可以一边学华语。我想要分享,我有成语书本。 第一,城门失火,殃及池鱼。有没有人知道这成语的意思?如果没人知道,我可以念。城门失火,殃及池鱼... ok
  6. 不错,不错啊...现在我已经带来成语(书本),决定找成语。是成语365。
  7. okay I never want to translate your latest post with many advanced words. Google translator turn it odd with bizarre funny tone.

  8. KKLT,你的学问比我好...我需要多写华文。
  9. okay this class closed. *blinks*
  10. 真是的... 你说这是课堂... (我)真糟糕...
  11. But I didn't see thread here so I create...
  12. Yes, we'll learning Chinese! Well everyone feel it's difficult to learn, but it's not difficult when we have writing demonstration! Here's the link: http://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/character-stroke-order.php?searchChinese=1&zi=%E6%83%B3 It's easier and you can learn. What you can do is to search any Chinese word and paste it in field of search, and it will show up with animation. As you will notice, the stroke usually start on first box. So let's imagine the word is like a world with imaginary line, and you get the idea of writing. You will notice each word consist of strokes and form, and the direction of writing usually start from left to right, or top left to right. To learn writing Chinese, you're likely to refer the link and learn how to write. If wish to read more about strokes, wikipedia provide in depth about it. (Read for references ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Written_Chinese#Strokes Reading When you first read Chinese, their Chinese phonics originate from China and Taiwan. You may see two types: Simplified and traditional Chinese. Citizens from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and other Chinese communities practiced writing traditional way. Citizens from Singapore, China and Malaysia practiced writing simplified version. I was born to write simplified way in Singapore. Traditional Chinese has more strokes, and simplified Chinese was developed to make characters faster to write. There are two forms and you have a choice to read one of them based on your preferences or continued studying one of Chinese you have learn before. Their vowels look similar to English but they are based on traditional Chinese, and was used in simplified Chinese writing. A, E, I, O, U Why I take out those 'vowels'? They are usually mark above with a sign for character's readings! These are the pattern and it is important if writing phonics. There are four tones in each 'vowels' first tone, high level, mā (unstressed) second tone, rising, má (light, unstressed) e.g. protege. *te third tone, falling rising, mǎ (stress a bit, not too much) fourth tone, falling, mà (stressed) Words Like English, there are many common words and it also apply in Chinese.
  13. 我回来了!KKLT,你的答案对。太棒了,我终于遇到几个朋友会说华语!是吗?Lady Irene Adler,你确定?
  14. I have a question. Can anyone give me an example of run on sentence? And how would you edit with proper grammar?
  15. 哈哈。第五,功亏一篑
  16. 你答对了!! 第一条不是成语,我要看你有没有睡觉。 :smile: 第二成语你有读过对吧?
  17. 对了!第三,不管三七二十一,第四,万古流芳。开始变难了。
  18. 第二成语,不二法门。是什么意思呢?
  19. 错!意思是,形容头发乱,脏脸的样子。
  20. 啊哈,啊哈 :razz: 现在我们来学成语,‘蓬头垢面’。你读,那是什么意思。 :grin:
  21. 我当然知道噢!!我是在开玩笑,开玩笑...
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