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Miss Smiles

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Everything posted by Miss Smiles

  1. 因为我看得出哦...*看着他*
  2. 要学读,怎么学,就是看书或许小说!
  3. 你敢笑?你在整我啊...
  4. 认真一点! 其实是可以,陪我一起读。 那么,我拿来我的华语小说。
  5. 我还是看不懂!我是初班!
  6. 那你非要跟我,一,起,学!
  7. 我只会说,写英文和中文。最近我在学日文。那实在太难...我是初班!
  8. 这我懂啊,不用你来说嘛!
  9. 没关系,你的华语进步很多了。
  10. 好吧。从今天起,我多写华文。
  11. 哦,Misaki 会跟你说。 :wink:
  12. 我觉得自在说华语。你们也许要多说几句!
  13. 哈哈!你说中了!我是热情新加破人!喂,你有没有收到 message?
  14. 答对了! 我刚睡醒,刚才我休息。
  15. 那就好!!! 因为我本来会说嘛! :mrgreen: 现在你知道了~
  16. 我现在不会睡觉,我觉得很糟糕。我打字的速度已经变慢... 我的华语不是很好,但是我看得懂。你们好,几个人懂我会说,不过我停止读华语,那是以前的事情。我读到中一,之后我读英语,没有继续读华语。我不许要找词典,因为我明白汉语拼音。你们会不会觉得很奇怪,我突然来找你们谈话?那几个人明白我正在打什么? :mrgreen: 这几天,我生病,我感冒。当你们看到这句子,你看到是字,或者正方形? (Now I can't sleep, I feel horrible. My typing pace getting slower... my chinese isn't that good but I understand. Hey there, few people know I can speak but I stop studying and it was many years ago. I study until secondary one, later I study English and didn't continue study Chinese. I don't have to check dictionary as I know Chinese phonics. Do you both feel this is strange of me I come here to chat with you? Any of you understand what I'm typing here?:mrgreen: This few days I fell sick, it's flu. When you read the sentences, do you see the Chinese words, or it's many squares?
  17. but if it's for open community voting, it's allowed to host outside the archives.

  18. Akakata, some behind the scene has reason to have curtain closed, yours are open in a forum.

  19. DCFC went out of sync, it's been many days.

  20. Miss Smiles


    ... Try to avoid trouble as you could as possible. I recommend you to hang out library, and mostly bully won't try on you inside as there's witness and rules in library. That's one good thing about it.
  21. Now at home. I got to eat more fruits.

    1. Black Demon
    2. Miss Smiles

      Miss Smiles

      My nose feel like it was stuck with a plug! urgh!

  22. Hello Kudo! So far is there any news from DCFC?

  23. bcos of flu I'm excused from work.. they all pose as if to say 'say no to flu'.

  24. oh no flu pandemonium started in Singapore again... bleh, ahh!!! I'm sweating but so far I don't have fever... meh... I'm going to sweat a lot tonight.

    1. Wildheart888


      Aww....get well soon...and you live in Singapore? Cooool. xD

    2. Miss Smiles

      Miss Smiles

      Come and try to live in Singapore...you will sweat much as it's tropical island.

    3. Miss Smiles

      Miss Smiles

      Miss-Ai.. I'll be alright. thanks. :)

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  25. day is getting longer... need to work on fanfiction...

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