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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Raoku

  1. Raoku


    Was there anything odd about the brochure
  2. Raoku


    eh who ever feels like can go
  3. Raoku


    isnt that giving up
  4. Raoku


    it said destroyed 3 hours before being found
  5. Raoku


    sound reasonable but
  6. Raoku


    im not going to need a bible to solve this am i
  7. Raoku


    so everything you need to know about who did it is in the note i think i know who it is the only thing i found out from it is that if u read the first line u get
  8. Raoku


    what he said makes sense although it raises the question of why he called his sister sis in the note
  9. Raoku


    possibly the sister shes the only one not called by name in the note also helping with the sermons would have given plenty of chances to get the poison to him, and later could have made it look like it was injected
  10. i think ive lost my mind

    1. hopes


      Now you can join the rest of us crazies!! :D OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!

    2. IdentityUnknown
    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Wazzap dude!? w00t?! You lost ya mind?? óÒ Cool, man!! xD I've lost my mind too! Yup, it was a chicken who took it! xD

  11. just took a walk and damn did anyone else know theres an outside!?

    1. Raoku


      cuz no one told me

  12. Yes just use a pig cannon Is it possible to not find people falling down funny?
  13. If u try hard enough then yes Is it possible for shot a bullet into a gun barrel?
  14. 2919 u got the last number wrong
  15. highly unlikely is it possible for there to be a perfect crime
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