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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by natale

  1. thank you for the advice :D

  2. what is a Rep Package? is mark some sort of mod?

  3. i understand standing up for someone but the others.... well they are just random?

  4. question how did you get so much rep? i even see allot of other people that post normally not any rep?

  5. sitting back and waching the show on Serendipity real name just passing time rely wile i download chapters of conan

    1. natale


      like i said your choice :D

  6. well your first name was kool name too cant deny that xD

  7. i do agree she picked a great new name

  8. im surprised somone figured it out but who figured it out:P

  9. hey unknown? how you doing :D i got a short qustion for you maby you will know. i was looking at the wepsite and i found info on Ai but somthing feels wrong it says she shows in a number in chapters but i think out of over 700 chapters she shows more here is the link :Dhttp://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Ai_Haibara i hope you have a answer for me:P

  10. don't worry you will get there
  11. you can find some of these on crunchy roll
  12. i havent got to the point to Ai but i have seen that ran cares about Shinichi and same goes for him he has her on the mind all the time it seems but i cant realy tell beacouse i am on chapter 100 but! i do think ran is the best choice
  13. i just refromated my pc i lost everything! awwww :(

    1. conanshinichi


      lol I done that as well I put everything in a Memory Stick but the files are corrupt...

  14. welcome to DCW i hope we can be frainds
  15. lol glade your exided :D

  16. my username is my last name and i used it because it is also what my friends call me
  17. im listing to songs too :D

  18. i like the english and the subs i will check these out
  19. im about to cacth up on some conan :D

  20. i mean the manga duh!? i read it by downloading it with domdomsoft mangadownloader it comes in handy when there are big mangas like these one if its a small manga i do buy it.. but for things like these were it would take a wile to find every volume i relay on domdomsoft
  21. welcome to DCW nice to meet you i hope we can be frainds
  22. nice to meet you Aeyra
  23. me+snow=FUN TIME :D

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