Today's Story:
She wasn't waiting for me outside this morning.
I got worried because she's always there in the morning....
So I called her, but there was no response.
I rushed to her house, knocked, called her name, and she opened the door.
She was sick... she was at ~40℃!! That's a flu!
I couldn't leave her alone at her house. She said her parents work early and comes around dinnertime.
I told her to get some rest while I get her some Abalone porridge(learned from mom...).
I was so stupid and careless that I burned myself when I open the lid (That damned thing burned my hand slightly.)
It still burns, but it doesn't matter. Grace's sickness is more important right now...
I called her and she said just come in... OMG girl's room... o////o.... I know I shouldn't but....
I sat down next to her, watch her eat until she finish, and get some towel and warm water, and etc...
She fell asleep. So.... uh.... I had no idea what to do... Her face was red because of flu.
When she woke up(like 3 hours later), I served another porridge.
I tried to make her feel better, talking about stuff...
Somehow we were talking about if I had a girlfriend or not. I said I had none because I rejected them.
Then she stared to tease me if I sure it wasn't ME who got rejected.
So I asked her if she had any other Boyfriends before me. (and I shouldn't have. but it just came out of my mouth...)
She said she had a few... she had a long pause there.
Then, I saw her face darkened, and I saw something dripping down her cheeks... her tears...
I felt bad. I understood what it meant.
I didn't know what to do. I... had to comfort her...
I hugger her. What else can I do? (Yeah, maybe that but... =_= not a good situation...)
"Don't cry, I'm here now... don't cry..." And at the moment, she stopped crying.
She said everything. All of her 'boyfriends' were going out with another girl.
She was told that she was 'boring' because she talks all science... like me.
That's why she was so serious most of the time... Gosh I had no idea...
She went back to sleep again... Her face was peaceful when she was sleeping.
At that moment, I just realized I didn't eat since last night's dinner =_=...
Thank God she had instant noodles...
I sat next to her and... you know, the towel thing...
...I stayed there until her parents got home. They said they would take care of her from that point.
And her mom is like... WOW... no wonder Grace is pretty...
When I came home, My mom started to scream.... literally scream... I think I got tinnitus from that...
So yeah. I skipped school. So what? My girlfriend is sick, and no one is there to take care of her.
... Ahhh, I think I'm going to be sick tomorrow... *Checks* my temperature is rising...
My mom is not going to be happy about this if she finds out.
I think I should go to school and tell the teachers that I need to go to nurse so that Grace won't get in trouble by mom...