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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869

  1. O_o........ I have bad experience with girls fighting each other. You're Welcome!
  2. Hugaholic:(Huh-ga-huh-lic) A person who cannot stop hugging others even to one's self.
  3. - PLANTS - EVOLUTION - ECOLOGY - Things i need to review...

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Hmm... *runs away to study choco-birds* *evil laugh*

    2. Anti-APTX4869


      Hmm... *runs away to study Chocobos (type of bird from Final Fantasy)*

    3. Misaki-chan
    4. Show next comments  390 more
  4. My definition of Lonely Hearts Club: LHC - a place I hang around, reading comments, Posting comments, laughs, and get lonely again until I come back.
  5. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Whoa, whoa! Slow down I can't read that fast. LOL but yes. SAT is in US. There's also different one called ACT btw. and Kaichou, if you need to run away from Mohorovicic, there is one thing you can do... and i'm pretty sure you know how.
  6. Well, in my story, IdentityUnknown = IU = Inspector (Identity)Unknown. That's how I got the IU being Inspector BTW.
  7. I give you the cure. HA! :twisted: :twisted: EDIT: btw, curiosity is something that you can't avoid so...
  8. We sure do. I might sound different when i talk. that's because I have a twin in the same body if you know what i mean by that. and... yea I'm pretty sure you guys know that.
  9. Fun fact of the day: Sometimes on Saturdays, I will be on around 11am

    1. Anti-APTX4869


      also, I'm working on the fan fic at this time of 11:25 am. Hmm after like about 40 mins, i need to study for the huge exam on college level Bio... ughhhhh.....

    2. Misaki-chan


      Good luck on your exam.

  10. =_= nooo.... my family want to watch a movie on my comp... and i don't want to....=_= ugh... well I guess i'll see you guys tomorow

    1. Aeyra


      That was me yesterday.

  11. Gives me many questions that I want to know.


  12. Fun fact of the day : I watched Detective Conan via my friend's iPhone today in class.

  13. Hatake Kakashi. He is hilarious, and I like that move called "Thousand years of death/pain."
  14. Hi, welcome to DCW! Enjoy your stay while at it! People call me Cure-kun. There are lots of people to meet and lots of people to talk to. We have all sorts of things and you will see what I mean. We are all Insa-*Gunshot* *Revive* Well, I can’t say that word because Gin is hunting me down…
  15. Fun fact of the day: I skipped breakfast and lunch, starved until 8 to eat sushi. I ate too much....

    1. Anti-APTX4869


      will be posted every day if i can.

    2. Misaki-chan


      Cure-kun, that's unhealthy.

    3. Kiel95


      may be unhealthy... but it sounds so yummi <3

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  16. Supposed to be a sweat but looked like a tear. I'm horrible at drawing. Even if I said it's a sweat, most likely people will see it as a tear. Eh, it shows the emotion pretty well with the tears tho. Well, I'm glad you liked it!
  17. Hi, welcome to DCW! Enjoy your stay while at it! People call me Cure-kun. There are lots of people to meet and lots of people to talk to. We have all sorts of things and you will see what I mean. We are all Insa-*Gunshot* *Revive* Well, I can’t say that word because Gin is hunting me down…
  18. Hi, welcome to DCW! Enjoy your stay while at it! People call me Cure-kun. There are lots of people to meet and lots of people to talk to. We have all sorts of things and you will see what I mean. We are all Insa-*Gunshot* *Revive* Well, I can’t say that word because Gin is hunting me down…
  19. Conan:I don't want to leave you... Haibara: H...huh? Haibara is shocked by Conan's confession to her when she was about to give him the antidote. Conan is crying, and there is a pill in Haibara's hand, but you can't see it... (bad camera.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So what you think? I had to upload this because there will be delay on the FanFic, sadly.
  20. Fun fact : I was dreaming about falling off the cliff. When I woke up, I was already falling off from my bed. i hit my head on the floor and got knocked out for 10 mins. Went to school on time by 1 sec. What a day... i mean, morning...

    1. IdentityUnknown


      Lol. At least you weren't late...

    2. Sayomi
    3. Cammy3131


      LOL-or-uhhh... sorry, not trying to laugh at your pain, but I know what you mean :)

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  21. Hmmm.. looks like there's going to be another character for my fanfic (not the next one but later...)...
  22. Like 1. Chemistry 2. Biology 3. Physiology 4. Psychology 5. Anatomy 6. Math 7. Music Dislike 1. English 2. History 3. P.E.
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