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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869

  1. You go Nerd rage about not being able to post much/ ...
  2. 42) file 591-593 Satan-san
  3. Ahh that's true... hmm... Now we need Detective Kudo to deduce what will happen lol
  4. ^^^^This The calculator read it either one of those
  5. Micky (Misaki-chan -> Miki -> Micki -> Micky)
  6. Liar look at my sig : Free hug for everyone. also, i had the sentence in my comment it was
  7. all those happened to me but i want to say #2. 1. I carry a backpack anywhere 2. I carry at least 2 water bottles 3. I carry at least 3 books
  8. Granted. You can never leave that place. I wish I'm not so busy so that i can write fan fic
  9. Detective: Kudo Kudo’s Assist: Misaki-chan Inspector: IU Victim: Cure-kun Suspect: Holmes Suspect: Sayomi Suspect (Maid): Kiel Suspect (Scientist): Mohorovicic (Mark) Suspect (Chef): Aeyra ???: Chelseaj500 Cast for the next story.
  10. Be back soon! :D

    I can't wait to hear your deductions! :D

    I'm working on the second fanfic and will be posted some time next month due to school work.

  11. Is this the SUPER DUPER Smiley Chat [Forum Game?]?
  12. Well, i'm a bit 'busy' you know lol
  13. 1) Sometime next month. I need to finish research and studying for test 2) Ok.. hmm ShinRan... 3) You'll see.
  14. Because of my home environment(I have no brothers and dad is usually busy and hardly see him), I'm surrounded by my sis and mom so I act like a girl sometimes like talking for hours....
  15. There is a trick. The equation itself 6÷2(1+2) is also 6/2(1+2) It can be either ...6 ----- 2(1+2) or 6 --(1+2) 2
  16. Grats! Lol no votes for me.. but thats ok. Oh yae, uh, I don't get on sundays untill after 5pm also so... maybe after 12 pm also but probably after 3 pm most of the time.
  17. Don't worry Misaki-chan, you'll find one soon. It's called personal taste..(that's what my sis said... I have no idea what that is... i think its a girl thing...)
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