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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869

  1. Jury rig? my sis knows. someone who knows how to play Starcraft2 .
  2. 500th POST! Woot! Now what should I do....
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_cyanide popular stuff used in DC
  4. I ban you for no knowing that in college, there is no such word called 'sleep' but 'rest'
  5. Why do i always get shot by Gin? *Gin walks up behind* Gin:"Is there a problem?" Uhhh.. no... I lose anyways... Gin: "Fine, I'll let you say it." Really? I WIN? *BANG* Gin: "I never said I won't shoot you though. LOL"
  6. Nope its #2 i don't need soda. Coffee and Tea contain more than Soda. 1 I love being smart 2 I post too much on one day 3 I love this nonsense
  7. Rub KCN(Potassium Cyanide) then Shoot. Mitosis
  8. Show up in real life. Is it possible that I can drink sea water without being dehydrated?
  9. ... NOTHING!!" "You had to do...
  10. falling off into the ocean. Silence or mute.
  11. Liar! you will be on anyways in your dreams. I need to eat
  12. Sneaky and weak. Brain power or Muscle Strength
  13. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/forum/15-games/
  14. not yet but i will after birthday someone who need to drink coffee
  15. /facepalm commonly used at time s like this.
  16. I ban you for not sleeping lol though i only need 3 hours of sleep.
  17. thats tough...#3 1. I need coffee 2. I need soda 3. I need tea
  18. It was mistaken for APTX4869 and you take it. You die. Research.
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