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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Anti-APTX4869

  1. Granted. You are in Japan with no DC characters. I wish I dont have to sleep
  2. When will this end? I lose for saying that
  3. APTX.(LOL) Numbers(4869) or letters(Shi-ya-ro-ku)
  4. Fuse Winged Dragon of Ra and Slifer the Sky Dragon to Obelisk the Tormentor. Your Toe.
  5. Liar! You still didn't change it! (12:33 PST) I live in 2 dimension.
  6. Congrats on 500th post

  7. ...been tricked." "Friendship is one thing...
  8. Feels lonely.

    1. Kiel95
    2. IdentityUnknown


      Don't feel...oh gosh, you're up at 3 AM EST.

  9. (Ham)Burger Bun or lettuce
  10. Sugar-Free. Made of 100% Cotton. Lollipop
  11. Uhhh... Uhhh.... uhh.... AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *Head Explodes* Potato or Corns
  12. AHHHHHHHH!!!! I RAN OUT OF COLORS!!!!! THE COLORED PENCILS WEREN'T SHARPENED!!!! THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!!!! Well, at least I managed to finish the drawing. Hmmm I think I got better than last time. :mrgreen: I need to work on the face/hair and fingers. Will try to draw something else. I need computer for fan fic, but I can draw anywhere so...
  13. I can draw them in my math class. The teacher don't care if someone smoke pot in that class (LOL). I even play my Pokemon there. My friends play poker/Black jack
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